Examples from the zed-csp
\title{Typesetting Z specifications with \texttt{zed-csp}}
known: \power NAME \\ phone: NAME \pfun PHONE
known = \dom phone
left, right: \seq CHAR
policy: \power_1 RESOURCE \fun RESOURCE
\forall S: \power_1 RESOURCE @ \\
\t1 policy(S) \in S
first: X \cross Y \fun X
\forall x: X; y: Y @ \\
\t1 first(x,y) = x
\Delta PhoneDB \\ name?: NAME \\ number?: PHONE
name? \notin known
phone' = phone \oplus \{name? \mapsto number?\}
OP & ::= & plus | minus | times | divide
EXP & ::= & const \ldata \nat \rdata \\
& | & binop \ldata OP \cross EXP \cross EXP \rdata