样例 标记为 Calendar
Whether for keeping track of your appointments, organizing your plan of work for the coming months, or simply having a convenient place to keep notes on everyday activities, this selection of printable calendar templates and formatted timetables provides a quick and convenient resource for doing so.
Week work
Weekly Timetable Calendar
LaTeX Template
Version 1.1 (4/6/13)
This template has been downloaded from:
Original calendar style author:
Evan Sultanik
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Rodrigo Aguilar
Dodecahedron desk calendar
Fancy a cool dodecahedron calendar for your desk? Create one with LaTeX in seconds!
This example of the folding library was originally published in the TeXample gallery at http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/foldable-dodecahedron-with-calendar/.
Till Tantau
Perpetual Calendar
A cut-out template for a circular calendar that can be used indefinitely.
Senan Sekhon