This is the "correct" table format for RMIT Complex Mental Health, Trauma and Recovery course. A Recovery Focused Nursing Care Plan Assignment.
\documentclass[landscape, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[table, svgnames, dvipsnames]{xcolor}
\usepackage[a4paper, landscape, margin=1cm,]{geometry}
\usepackage{makecell, cellspace, caption}
\begin{longtable}{| c | L{4cm} | L{5cm} | L{5cm} | L{4cm} | L{4cm} |}
\makecell{Consumers \\ Priority} & \makecell{Identified \\ Goals/Issues} & \makecell{The consumer’s strengths \\ to address these issues.} & \makecell{Consumer and Nursing \\ Interventions} & \makecell{Person/s \\ Responsible} & \makecell{Timeframe}\\
1 & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. \\
1 & help & alpha & echo & charlie & bravo \\
1 & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. \\
1 & help & alpha & echo & charlie & bravo \\
1 & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. \\
1 & help & alpha & echo & charlie & bravo \\
1 & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. \\
1 & help & alpha & echo & charlie & bravo \\
1 & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. \\
1 & help & alpha & echo & charlie & bravo \\
1 & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. & These kind of issues are mostly related to the PDF viewer, they will not appear in a print version of the document. \\
1 & help & alpha & echo & charlie & bravo \\