An event poster with a simple layout, courtesy of beamer
. Try scanning the QR codes with a scanner app (e.g. "Scan" on iOS; "QR Droid" on Android and see what happens!
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setsansfont[BoldFont=Fira Sans,Numbers=OldStyle]{Fira Sans Light}
\framesubtitle{\raisebox{-0.2ex}{\includegraphics[height=1em]{overleaf-greygreen-410}} \#FuturePub 7}
\frametitle{New Developments in Scientific Collaboration Tech}
\#FuturePub is back in town! Join us for science collaboration tech talks, networking, and free pizza!\par}
\psbarcode[file,linecolor=OverleafGreen]{vevent.txt}{width=2 height=2}{qrcode}
The Stables, Digital Science\\
Opposite the Springer Nature Glasshouse Bldg\\
2 Trematon Walk, Wharfdale Road,\\
London \textsc{n1 9fn}
May 10, 2016 (Tue) 6\,:\,30\,\textsc{pm} -- 9\,:\,30\,\textsc{pm} ({\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=5}\textsc{bst}})
\psbarcode[linecolor=OverleafGreen]{}{eclevel=L width=0.35 height=0.35}{qrcode}