Chicago Style polyglossia xelatex Hebrew/English
Brandon Payne
8 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Chicago style history paper, bilingual.

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Chicago style history paper, bilingual.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\geometry{vscale=.85} %default is .7, bottom margin too big
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\newfontfamily\hebrewfont[Script=Hebrew,Language=Hebrew]{Times New Roman}
%\begin Chicago-Author Date Footnotes Changes
{\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine}% Simplify .bib creation
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togl {cms@allshort}%
test {\ifbibliography}%
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%\end of my Chicago-Author Date Footnotes Changes
\author{Brandon Payne}
\date{August 20, 2015}
\title{Working Title for Saposnik Paper: \\ Trying to finish this summer.}
%\affiliation{Sede Boker \\ Spring (2015)}
%\ begin main body of article
Was the revival of Hebrew in fact accomplished? Is the language spoken today in Israel a revived Biblical or Mishnaic Hebrew\footnote{Hereafter collectively `Old Hebrew' following Horvath and Wexler.}
Theoretical linguist Chaim Rosen thought that Israeli was not Hebrew. Rosen wrote of
\blockquote{You can use overleaf.com also instead of installing latex.\ac[40]{BenRafael2002}}
Half a century later the scientific research has been done. What is the evidence that confirms Rosen's supposition that despite the normativists' desires, Israeli is not Hebrew?
This is another first cite.\ac{Keesing1988}. Back to the first.\ac[122]{BenRafael2002} and on to the third.\ac{Wekker1996}
Let's try an ibid. \footnote{"because they are fun" \cite[58]{Wekker1996}}
\begin{tabular} {|r|l|}
regular & inchoative \tabularnewline
be sitting & sit down\tabularnewline
jašav /zicn & hitjašev/[avek]zecn zix \tabularnewline
be lying down & lie down \tabularnewline
šaxav/lign & niškav/[avek]lejgn zix \tabularnewline
be standing & stand up\tabularnewline
amad/štejn & ne'emad/[avek]štejn zix\tabularnewline
be halted & come to a halt\tabularnewline
amad/štejn & ne'emad/opštejn zix\tabularnewline
Here are some italics and bold. The reference software I showed you was Mendeley and BibDesk.
In cases like \it{hi\textbf{shpríts}} `splash' (3ms\textsc{PAST}) \it{hi\textbf{shprátsti}} `I splashed' (1s\textsc{PAST}). And then Ben-Gurion said, "\begin{hebrew}מה הבעיה?\end{hebrew}"\ac{Keesing1988}
Some kind of conclusion.