Academic Curriculum Vitae
Lighton Phiri
8 年前
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Markdown exported LaTeX template of academic curriculum vitae.
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\multirow{1}{*}{\LARGE \textbf{Lighton Phiri}} & & \\
& & \\
Department of Computer Science & \multicolumn{1}{r}{Phone:\;\;} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{$+$27 (725) 378 670} \\
University of Cape Town & \multicolumn{1}{r}{Email:\;\;} &\multicolumn{1}{l}{\href{lphiri@cs.uct.ac.za}{lphiri@cs.uct.ac.za}} \\
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701& \multicolumn{1}{r}{Home:\;\;} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\url{http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~lphiri}} \\
Cape Town, South Africa & \multicolumn{1}{r}{ORCID iD:\;\;} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\href{http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3582-9866}{orcid.org/0000-0003-3582-9866}} \\
\textbf{\textsuperscript{†}} \emph{Indicates expected}
\multirow{2}{*}[0.85em]{2014--2018 \textsuperscript{\textbf{\textdagger}}} & Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Cape Town \\
& Thesis Title: Streamlined Technology-driven Orchestration \\
& Supervisors: Hussein Suleman and Christoph Meinel \\
2011--2013 & M.Sc., Computer Science, University of Cape Town \\
2003--2007 & B.Sc., Computer Science, University of Zambia \\
2015--2017 & Teaching Assistant, Computer Science, University of Cape Town \\
2015--2015 & Temp Lecturer, Computer Science, University of Cape Town \\
2013--2014 & Research Assistant, Digital Libraries Laboratory, University of Cape Town \\
2013--2013 & Part-time Lecturer, ICT, Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies \\
2011--2013 & Content Curator, SCAP Project, University of Cape Town \\
2009--2011 & Database Administrator, IT Department, Airtel Zambia \\
2008--2009 & Business Intelligence Analyst, IT Department, Zain Zambia \\
2007--2008 & Business Intelligence Analyst, IT Department, Celtel Zambia \\
2016 & CSC1015F, Computer Science 1015 & University of Cape Town \\
2015 & CSC1017F, Python for Engineers & University of Cape Town \\
%%%2013 & DDOOCP, Developing OO Programs & Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies \\
\subsection{Teaching Assistant}\label{teaching-assistant}
2017 & CSC1011H, Computer Science 1011 & University of Cape Town \\
2017 & CSC1010H, Computer Science 1010 & University of Cape Town \\
2016 & CSC1010H, Computer Science 1010 & University of Cape Town \\
2016 & CSC1011H, Computer Science 1011 & University of Cape Town \\
2016 & PyMicro, Microcontroller Programming & University of Cape Town \\
2015 & CSC1010H, Computer Science 1010 & University of Cape Town \\
2016 & Nabeel Parker, Honours Student & University of Cape Town \\
2016 & Morne Valentyn, Honours Student & University of Cape Town \\
\subsection{Selected Honours and
2014 & Hasso Plattner Institute Ph.D. Studentship \\
2003 & University of Zambia Undergraduate Bursary \\
\emph{Preprint URLs available at
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\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Meinel, C., \& Suleman, H. (2016). Streamlined orchestration: An orchestration workbench framework for effective teaching. Computers \& Education, 95, 231--238. DOI: \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2016.01.011}{10.1016/j.compedu.2016.01.011}
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2012). In search of simplicity: Redesigning the Digital Bleek and Lloyd. DESIDOC Journal of Library \& Information Technology, 32(4), 306--312. DOI: \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/djlit.32.4.2524}{10.14429/djlit.32.4.2524}
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\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Meinel, C., \& Suleman, H. (2017). Peer tutoring orchestration: Streamlined technology-driven orchestration for peer tutoring. In P. Escudeiro; G. Costagliola; S. Zvacek; J. Uhomoibhi \& B. M. McLaren (Eds.), 9$^{th}$ International Conference on Computer Supported Education (pp. 434--441). Porto, Portugal: ScitePress. DOI: \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0006339104340441}{10.5220/0006339104340441}
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Meinel, C., \& Suleman, H. (2016). Ad hoc vs. organised orchestration: A comparative analysis of technology-driven orchestration approaches. In V.Kumar, S. Murphy, \& Kinshuk (Eds.), 8$^{th}$ International Conference on Technology for Education (pp. 200--203). Los Alamitos, California: IEEE. DOI: \href{https://doi.org/10.1109/T4E.2016.049}{10.1109/T4E.2016.049}
\item Poulo, L., \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2014). Fine-grained scalability of digital library services in the cloud. In J. P. van Deventer, M. C. Matthee, H. Gelderblom, \& A. Gerber (Eds.), 2014 Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference (pp. 157--165). New York, NY, USA: ACM. DOI: \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2664591.2664611}{10.1145/2664591.2664611}
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2013). Flexible design for simple digital library tools and services. In P. Machanick, \& M. Tsietsi (Eds.), 2013 Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference (pp. 160--169). New York, NY, USA: ACM. DOI: \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2513456.2513485}{10.1145/2513456.2513485}
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Williams, K., Robinson, M., Hammar, S., \& Suleman, H. (2012). Bonolo: A general digital library system for file-based collections. In H.-H. Chen, \& G. Chowdhury (Eds.), 14$^{th}$ International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (pp. 49--58). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. DOI: \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34752-8\_6}{10.1007/978-3-642-34752-8\_6}
\subsubsection{Book chapters}\label{book-chapters}
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\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2015). Managing cultural heritage: information systems architecture. In I. Ruthven \& G. Chowdhury (Eds.), Cultural Heritage Information: Access and Management (pp. 113--134). United Kingdom, London: Facet Publishing.
\subsubsection{Theses and dissertations}\label{theses-and-dissertations}
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\item \textbf{Phiri, L}. (2013). Simple digital libraries. M.Sc. Dissertation. University of Cape Town. Retrieved from \href{http://hdl.handle.net/11427/6638}{http://hdl.handle.net/11427/6638}
\subsubsection{Technical reports}\label{technical-reports}
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\item Baird, M. J., \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2014). Automatic workflow management for spatial heritage data. Retrieved from \href{http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000962}{http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000962}
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2013). Benchmarking a file-based digital library system repository architecture. Cape Town. Retrieved from \href{http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000888}{http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000888}
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\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Meinel, C., \& Suleman, H. (2016). Streamlining technology-driven orchestration in formal learning spaces. Poster session presented at the 2016 Computer Science Evening, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Meinel, C., \& Suleman, H. (2016). Streamlined technology-driven orchestration. Poster session presented at the Teaching \& Learning Conference 2015 Deferred, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Meinel, C., \& Suleman, H. (2015). Streamlined technology-driven orchestration. Poster session presented at the 10$^{th}$ Symposium on Future Trends in Service-Oriented Computing, Potsdam, Germany.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2011) A lightweight digital library framework. Poster session presented at the 2011 Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
\subsection{Contributed Presentations}\label{contributed-presentations}
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\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Meinel C., \& Suleman, H. (2017). Peer tutoring orchestration: Streamlined Technology-driven Orchestration for Peer Tutoring (oral presentation), 9$^{th}$ International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Porto, Portugal, April 2017.
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\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Meinel C., \& Suleman, H. (2016). Ad hoc vs. organised orchestration: A comparative analysis of technology-driven orchestration approaches (oral presentation), 8$^{th}$ International Conference on Technology for Education, Mumbai, India, December 2016.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H., \& Meinel C. (2016). Understanding the effects of streamlining the orchestration of learning activities (oral presentation), HPI-CS4A Retreat Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2016.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}. (2016). Postgraduate studies: Graduate school experience (oral presentation), Computer Science 1011 Invited Talk, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2016.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H., \& Meinel C. (2016). Streamlined technology-driven orchestration (oral presentation), HPI Spring Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, April 2016.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2015). Simple archive architectures (oral presentation), IFLA IT Section Satellite Meeting, Stellenbosch, South Africa, August 2015.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H., \& Meinel C. (2015). Streamlined orchestration: Investigating the impact of organised orchestration on teaching (oral presentation), HPI-CS4A Retreat Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2015.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Suleman, H., \& Meinel C. (2015). Investigating the impact of organised orchestration on teaching (oral presentation), Doctoral Symposium, 10$^{th}$ Symposium on Future Trends in Service-Oriented Computing, Potsdam, Germany, June 2015.
\item Poulo, L., \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2014). Fine-grained scalability of digital library services in the cloud (oral presentation), 2014 Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference, Centurion, South Africa, September 2014.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H., \& Meinel C. (2016). K-12 classroom orchestration (oral presentation), HPI Spring Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, April 2014.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2013). Flexible design for simple digital library tools and services (oral presentation), 2013 Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference, East London, South Africa, September 2013.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}. (2012). SALDRU subject repository : SCAP UCT pilot site (oral presentation), SALDRU DSpace Demonstration Talk, Cape Town, South Africa, December 2012.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., Williams, K., Robinson, M., Hammar, S., \& Suleman, H. (2012). Bonolo: A general digital library system for file-based collections (oral presentation), 14$^{th}$ International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2012.
\item \textbf{Phiri, L}., \& Suleman, H. (2011). A lightweight digital library framework (oral presentation), M \& D Symposium, 2011 Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2011.
\subsection{Professional Activities}\label{professional-activities}
\item Reviewer, Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference, 2017.
\item Reviewer, Computers \& Education, 2016.
\item Reviewer, Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference, 2015.
\item Reviewer, Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference, 2014.
\item Sub-reviewer, Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference, 2016.
\item Sub-reviewer, Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association, 2016.
\item Workshop Organiser, Towards a Strategic Agenda for Local Research in ICT for Development, Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference, 2015.
\item Reader, Honours Projects, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town, 2016.
\item Committee Member, Centre for ICT4D Executive Committee Student Representative, 2016.
\item Mentor, Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Project, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town, 2012.
\item Student Volunteer, International Collegiate Programming Contest, 2015.
\item Student Volunteer, Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2011.
\item Content Management, Centre for ICT4D Website, 2015--2016.
\item Content Management, Digital Libraries Laboratory Website, 2014--2016.
Available on request.