
The study of shock waves in the gas (Molecular Workshop 3-3)
9 年前
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Report on laboratory practical

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\title{The study of shock waves in the gas \\ Molecular Workshop 3-3} % Title
\author{Egor \textsc{Fetisov}} % Author name
\date{\today} % Date for the report
\maketitle % Insert the title, author and date
\begin{tabular}{l r}
Date Performed: & April 11, 2016 \\ % Date the experiment was performed
Partners: & Stepan Zacharov (15331) \\ % Partner names
Instructor: & Associate Professor Alexander S. Zolkin % Instructor/supervisor
Measuring speed of the shock front. Measuring the width of the shock front.
Measure the distance between the piezoelectric transducers, and repealed the oscilloscope time to calculate the speed of sound.
\section{Measurement method}
1. Turn on the oscilloscope and power supply amplifiers.
2. Sstup time measurement mode
3. Inserting a cellophane film. With gear I will set the desired pressure. Open the valve to fill air high pressure section.
4. Pierce the cellophane plenku.nalysdatchikov pressure. Measure the time between the signals from the pressure sensors, with help osfillografa, and the amplitude of these signals.
5. Repeat experiments under different air pressures in the high section of pressure.
\section{Experimental Data}
During the experiment, data were obtained for the time.
The distance between 22.5 cm.
Experimental time dependence was obtained between passage of piezoelectric transducers, and the pressure within the pressure chamber.
\caption{ Table experimental data. \newline
Column 1 - the pressure in the pressure chamber. \newline
Column 2 - time interval microseconds. \newline
Column 3 - front speed. \newline
Column 4 - Mach number. \newline
Column 5 - the ratio of the pressure behind the front of the pressure ahead of the front.} \label{my-label}
P(atm) & t(sec) & V(m/s) & M & P1/P4 & relative error for vechicle & Front (t) \\ \hline
2 & 520 & 374.14 & 1.28 & 3.05 & 0.50 & 4.2 \\ \hline
2 & 516 & 392.85 & 1.29 & 3.16 & 0.50 & 4.3 \\ \hline
2 & 528 & 401.45 & 1.26 & 2.85 & 0.49 & 4.5 \\ \hline
2 & 524 & 423.07 & 1.28 & 3.05 & 0.50 & 5.0 \\ \hline
3 & 500 & 426.75 & 1.33 & 3.65 & 0.52 & 4.9 \\ \hline
3 & 504 & 440.02 & 1.32 & 3.64 & 0.51 & 3.7 \\ \hline
3 & 504 & 443.25 & 1.32 & 3.52 & 0.51 & 3.8 \\ \hline
3 & 503 & 450.81 & 1.33 & 3.52 & 0.54 & 5.4 \\ \hline
4 & 480 & 458.37 & 1.39 & 3.55 & 0.55 & 4.3 \\ \hline
4 & 472 & 440.00 & 1.41 & 4.40 & 0.52 & 4.1 \\ \hline
4 & 476 & 474.14 & 1.41 & 4.75 & 0.52 & 3.9 \\ \hline
4 & 476 & 416.96 & 1.38 & 4.75 & 0.55 & 5.2 \\ \hline
5 & 456 & 468.25 & 1.46 & 4.23 & 0.53 & 5.8 \\ \hline
5 & 456 & 485.35 & 1.46 & 5.58 & 0.55 & 4.3 \\ \hline
5 & 456 & 491.54 & 1.46 & 5.58 & 0.52 & 6.0 \\ \hline
5 & 464 & 476.23 & 1.47 & 5.70 & 0.53 & 5.3\\ \hline
\section{Sample Calculation}
Standard deviation of time & = \SI{0.00002597}{sec}\\
Standard deviation of vechicle & = \SI{24,07}{m/sec} \\
Standard deviation of the Mach number & = \SI {0.01}{m/sec} \\
The absolute error of the line & = \SI {0.5}{mm}\\
The measurements used oscilloscope absolute error of 250 microseconds. The error introduced by ostsillogrofom taken into account in the relative speed of the error column in Table 1.
\section{The discussion of the results}
Since tabular data rate depending on the pressure to find it was not possible, it can be assumed that a constant amount of the substance in the chamber high dvleniya, increased temperature, in consequence of increased pressure. Link to tabular data at different
temperatures: \newline
http:"www.tehtab.ru/guide/guidephysics/sound/soundspeedairtemperature/" \newline
When analyzing the results of colleagues, he concluded that the speed of sound coincides with the data obtained in my experiment that allows us to say that I have been the result.
\section{Conclusion of the report}
Me firmly established that the highest speed of sound is reached at a pressure of 5 atm. The speed of sound at a pressure of 484.45+- 0.57. It is also found that the greatest wave front reached at 5 atm and is 0.0028 meters. Also I was established that the highest number of MAX is 1.47.
A.I.Kikoin, I.K.Kikoin Molecular Physics, The main redaction of ph.math science. M:1976 198 pg
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