Sunil Kumar R's B.Tech Mechanical Engineering Graduate CV
7 年前
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Attached my Résumé as an example

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Attached my Résumé as an example
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\familyname{SUNILKUMAR R} % Your last name
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\title{B.Tech Mechanical Engineering Graduate}
\address{C.K.HOUSE, Maruvapadam, Kannadi (PO) }{Palakkad- 678701}
\mobile{(+91) 9496351265}
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\quote{"\textit{To work for a result oriented organization to apply my knowledge and effort for the future developments.}"}
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\cventry{2013--2017}{B.Tech}{Ammini College Of Engineering}{Palakkad}{}{Mechanical Engineering , CGPA -- 7.22} % Arguments not required can be left empty
\cventry{2011--2013}{Higher Secondary Board}{Kannadi Higher Secondary School}{Kannadi}{}{[Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology] , Percentage -- 67}
\cventry{2011}{SSLC Board}{Kannadi High School}{Kannadi}{}{Secondary School Certificate , Percentage -- 72}
\section{Academic Projects and Seminar}
\cventry{2017}{Main Project : Virtual Structural Analysis of an Automobile Chassis.}{}{}{}{The aspiration of the work is to find out the alternate material and a better cross-section for an automobile ladder chassis. A 3D solid model of Ladder chassis is created on the computer using Solid Edge ST9 and it is exported to Ansys for performing Finite Element Analysis.\\\textit{As a result we get the best material for the chassis is \textbf{S Glass}, and \textbf{I section} as the better cross-section.}
\cventry{2017}{Seminar : Photoacoustic CO2-sensor for automotive applications}{}{}{}{A sensor is developed for automotive applications. The field-tested miniaturized
spectroscopic CO2 sensor which is based on the photoacoustic effect.}
\cventry{2016}{Mini Project :Fabrication of Pedal Operated Hacksaw Cutter }{}{}{}{Pedal operated hacksaw machine is used for small scale industrial applications and household needs in which no specific input energy or power is needed.}
\section{Technical Skills}
\cventry{2017}{NDT Level II Certificates}{in accordance to American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), in:}{}{}{}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Radiographic Testing}{Ultrasonic Testing}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Magnetic particle Testing}{Liquid Penetrant Testing}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Radiographic Film Interpretation}{Visual Testing}
\cventry{2017}{Completed the course of QA/QC Engineering and Welding Inspection}{}{}{}{}
\cventry{2017}{Designing in HVAC and Fire Fighting }{}{}{}{}
\section{Additional Skills}
\subsection{Mechanical Engineering Softwares:}
\cvitem {}{\includegraphics[width=3cm,height=1.45cm]{3}}
\cvitem {}{\includegraphics[width=3.2cm,height=1.6cm]{autocad}}
\cvitem {}{\includegraphics[width=2.8cm,height=1.1cm]{catia}}
\cvitem {}{\includegraphics[width=2.8cm,height=1.16cm]{ansys}}
\subsection{Additional Softwares}
\cvitem{}{Microsoft Office}
\cvitem{}{Adobe Photoshop}
\cvitem{}{Hourly Analysis Program}
\section{Personal Skills}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Ability to build relationship}{Sincere and Hardwork}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Can manage time effectively}{Willing to learn new things}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Set up trust}{Self-Motivation}
\section{Extra-Curricular Activities}
\cventry{2017}{Part time job as salesman at Chennai silks}{Ernakulam for 2 months}{}{}{}
\cventry{2017}{Presented paper \lq \lq Virtual Structural Analysis of an Automobile Chassis \rq\rq }{in National Conference on Research Innovations in Science and Engineering (NC RISE 2K-17) at Ammini College of Engineering}{}{}{}
\cventry{2017}{Executive Volunteer Member}{on NC RISE 2K-17 at Ammini College of Engineering}{}{}{}
\cventry{2017}{International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research(ISSN 2229-5518)}{accepted my paper on \lq \lq Virtual Structural Analysis of an Automobile Chassis\rq\rq
}{}{}{Paper ID : I0109568}
\cventry{2017}{International Journal Of Advance Research and Technology(ISSN 2278-7763)}{published my research paper on \lq \lq Virtual Structural Analysis of an Automobile Chassis\rq\rq
}{}{}{Manuscript ID : AJ028129}
\cventry{2016}{Attended three days Pre-Placement Orientation class under \lq \lq ICT Academy of Kerala\rq\rq at Ammini college of Engineering, Palakkad }{Workshop}{Date: 8th,9th and 10th Dec 2016}{}{}
\cventry{2015}{Won Elite in National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) online course on Finite Element Analysis-1}{}{}{}{}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Traveling}{Watching Movies}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Listening Music}{Internet Surfing.}
\section{Personal Details}
\cvitem{Date of birth:}{30th of January, 1996}
\cvitem{Address:}{C.K.HOUSE, Maruvapadam, Kannadi (PO),Palakkad-678701}
\cvitem{Mobile No.:}{+91 9496351265}
\cvitem{Passport No.:}{R0974987}
\cvitem{Languages:}{Malayalam, Tamil, English, Hindi}{}
{\includegraphics[width=0.6cm,height=0.4cm]{fb} http://www.facebook.com/sunilkumarskr30}
\cvitem{}{I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is correct up to my
knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above mentioned
\cvitemwithcomment{}{}{\huge \color {black!50} SUNILKUMAR R}