Sidney Hann's Résumé
Sidney Hann
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Sidney Hann's résumé. Created using Ganesh Mohan's résumé template.

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Sidney Hann's résumé. Created using Ganesh Mohan's résumé template.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Vedic Nerd - Resume LaTeX Template
% Original author:
% Ganesh Mohan (http://about.me/ganesh.mohan)
% Github repository:
% https://github.com/ganesh2shiv/resume-latex-template
% Packages found through https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/30720/footnote-without-a-marker
% To make footnote at end
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Last updated: July 7, 2018
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\contact{Sidney Hann}
{\faPhone\ 616.212.7623 \labelitemi \faEnvelope\ hann.sidney@gmail.com \labelitemi \faLinkedin\ www.linkedin.com/in/sidneyhann}
\school{Grand Valley State University}{Grand Rapids, MI}{August 2019 -- April 2021}
{\textit{Masters of Science \labelitemi Biostatistics}\labelitemi GPA: 3.53/4.0}
\school{Grand Valley State University}{Grand Rapids, MI}{August 2015 -- August 2019}
{\textit{Bachelor of Science \labelitemi Statistics \& Mathematics Minor}}
\header{Work Experience}
\employer{Biostatistics Intern}{-- Spectrum Health}{May 2019 -- Present}{Grand Rapids, MI}
\item Serve as a statistical consultant to researchers throughout all steps of the research process
\item Write SQL queries to pull data for an app created with fellow interns measuring metrics of research studies
\item Utilize Git, R, and R Markdown to apply reproducible research principles to analytic pipelines
\employer{Student Worker}{-- GVSU College of Education}{Sep 2013 -- Sep 2019}{Grand Rapids, MI}
\item Answer phones and either help students with questions, or direct them to the correct personnel
\item Schedule advising appointments, answer emails, and send/recieve mail
\item Other various tasks as professors or staff needs
\employer{Delivery Driver/Manager}{-- Jets Pizza}{Aug 2016 -- May 2019}{Allendale, MI}
\item Take, make, cut, and deliver orders to customers.
\item Handle customer complaints, make end of the night deposits, cash register.
\employer{Delivery Driver/Manager}{-- Pizza Hut}{Jun 2012 -- Aug 2016}{Zeeland, MI}
\item Take, make, cut, and deliver orders to customers.
\item Handle customer complaints, make end of the night deposits, cash register, inventory.
\project{Analysis of Freshman Orientation}{ -- GVSU}{ Jan 2017 -- May 2017}{ Allendale, MI}
\item Analyzed freshman orientation surveys from three years for GVSU's Department of Student Life. Process included consulting to help formulate an analysis to run, running said analysis, and writing a report to a non-technical audience to convey findings. Main goal was to see if orientation was a fun, fair experience to all demographics.
\project{Group Re-analyzation of Low Bone Density Relative to Hip Fractures in Adults 50+}{ -- GVSU}{ Sep 2018 -- Dec 2018}{ Allendale, MI}
\item For Bioinformatics, our group chose an NHANES journal using NHANES III data to reproduce the results for. Process included data import, cleaning, coding in SAS, and a scholarly write up of the results.
\header{Technical Skills}
\item Programming languages: R, SQL, SAS, Git Bash, Visual Basic, Rainmeter
\item Other computer experience: MS Office Suite (emphasis on Excel), built a desktop, Rmarkdown
\header{Extra Curricular Activities}
\item Volunteer work with special needs students
\item Tennis, softball, skiing/snowboarding
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