Shubham Saxena's CV
Shubham Saxena
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Shubham Saxena's CV. Created with the Twenty Seconds CV template.

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Shubham Saxena's CV. Created with the Twenty Seconds CV template.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Twenty Seconds Resume/CV
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (14/7/16)
% Original author:
% Carmine Spagnuolo (cspagnuolo@unisa.it) with major modifications by
% Vel (vel@LaTeXTemplates.com) and Harsh (harsh.gadgil@gmail.com)
% License:
% The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)
\documentclass[letterpaper]{twentysecondcv} % a4paper for A4
% Command for printing skill overview bubbles
\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{
\textbf{~~~~~~ OOP ~~~~~~}\\\textbf{~~~~~~ Junit ~~~~~~},
% Programming skill bars
\programming{{SQL $\textbullet$ XML / 3},{HTML $\textbullet$ CSS $\textbullet$ JS / 3.5}, {Java $\textbullet$ Junit $\textbullet$ Spring / 5}}
% Projects text
\textbf{PG-Diploma in Advance Computing}
Specialization: C-DAC \\
Knowledege Park (CDAC-KP) \\
2016 - 2017 |Bengaluru (Karnataka)
\textbf{Bachelor of Engineering } (CGPA: 6.9) \\
MPCT College Gwalior
% If you don't need one or more of the below, just remove the content leaving the command, e.g. \cvnumberphone{}
\cvname{SHUBHAM } % Your name
\cvjobtitle{ Java Developer } % Job
% title/career
\cvnumberphone{(+91) 8951727783} % Phone number
\cvmail{shubhamsaxena1194@gmail.com} % Email address
\makeprofile % Print the sidebar
\textbf{Domain}: Ecommerce, Telecom
\textbf{Client Name}: British Telecom
\textbf{ECOMMERCE}:-British Telecom is one of the leading Telecommunication company headquartered in London, United Kingdom providing the most complete UK Broadband, phone lines, mobile products, BT TV, web hosting, online security and networked IT services for both home and corporate segment.
This application involves the verification of a customer’s eligibility for the service, capture of customer details and their selected product, offering best possible promotions, their payment for the initial charges and the configuration of their subsequent payment methods.
This application helps in easy addition of new product pages in the journey by simple SQL statements rather than writing repeated code usage. Springs are used to trigger web service calls to fetch data from other external system components.
\begin{twenty} % Environment for a list with descriptions
{Feb 2017 -}
{Java Back-End Developer}
\item \textbf{Project: BT Consumer Online - Ecommerce}
\item \textbf{Skills:}Java-Ofbiz Framework,
spring, JDBC, Oracle SQL, JS, XML, TestNG, Gradle
\item Responsible for understanding the Business requirements, discussing with Clients and Designers in order to develop a efficient design document.
\item Implementing test Driven Development for front end and back end of web application as per business requirement
\item Providing quality fixes to bugs for the CIT, E2E and Production level Handling issue resolution, Updates to Design/Client calls.
\item Centrally involved in coordinating between onshore and offshore with a team of 15 members.
•IDE:Eclipse, Jdeveloper\\
•Automation Testing Tool:Junit, TestNG\\
•Database Tools:Sql-Developer\\
•REST/SOAP Testing Tools:SOAP-UI\\
•Build Tools:Maven,ANT, Gradle\\
•Code Quality Tools:Sonar,Structure 101\\
•Other: Jira,Hp-alm,putty