Sarvesh Parab's Résumé
Sarvesh Parab
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Sarvesh Parab's Résumé. Created with the Medium Length CV template.
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Sarvesh Parab's Résumé. Created with the Medium Length CV template.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\name{SARVESH PARAB} % Your name
\address{Samata Nagar, Kandiwali East, Mumbai - 400101 \\ +91 7977737097 \\}
{\bf Nirmala Memorial Foundation College, Mumbai} \hfill {\em Mar 2018}
\\ BSC in Information and Technology
%Minor in Linguistics \smallskip \\
%Member of Eta Kappa Nu \\
%Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon \\
\begin{rSection}{Work Experience}
{\bf Technical Support Analyst, Integreon Managed Solutions} \hfill {\em Jun - 2018 to July - 2019}
\vspace{-0.1cm}\item To work alongside colleagues within the IT Department on support, development and project work where directed.
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item Manage vendors providing Network Cabling installation services.
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item Develop technical expertise in various Workday technologies, including but not limited to, user interface, authentication and system performance.
% Projects And Seminars
{\bf Sell Solution (Team size: 6)}
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item An e-commerce portal that deals with selling multiple electronic gadget based products.
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item Integrated Stripes for payment and implemented the checkout process in addition to developing reports for orders
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item Created user walls to display the products added by the users, list of their followers and their posts, also designed the User Interface.
{\bf iMaze}
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item Worked in a team of four students to build a marble maze game, where the user aims to roll a marble through a maze within the time limit to reach the end, avoiding obstacles and collecting items along the way.
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item On-boarded more than 5000 students by direct marketing in 10 colleges in one month.
{\bf Lyrics-Finder}
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item An online lyrics finder web application to find lyrics of any song across the world.
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item Used the musixmatch API to get the tracks.
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item Designed a friendly User Interface to interact with the app.
{\bf JavaLearn (Final Year Project)}
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item JavaLearn is a desktop application based on “3 tier architecture” in which the E-Learning system is implemented.
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item This Desktop application is created using Java Language.
Swing Components are used for designing purpose as well as coding.
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item HTML and CSS are also used in some places for better GUI Implementation. Java API’s are used to reduce code complexity.
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item MySQL server is used for Backend purpose, where all the data of JavaLearn application is being stored.
{\bf React - TodoList app}
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item An online todo app where users can add todo’s with different priority levels, for eg. low, medium and high
\vspace{-0.3cm}\item Designed the user interface easy and simple for better interaction. User can delete, edit and add new todo’s.
\begin{rSection}{Technical Skills :}
\begin{rSection}{Academic Achievements}
Top 10 Finalist out of 35 teams at HERE Technologies Hackathon.
\item Won First Prize in Model Making Competition Organized by Nirmala College, Mumbai.
% Extra Curricular
\begin{rSection}{Extra-Cirrucular} \itemsep -3pt
\item Attended a workshop on Microsoft Cyber Security at Thakur College in 2018.
\item Winner of Inter Departmental Football Competition 2015.
\item Trained in swimming for 3 months from SCN Club, Mumbai.
\begin{rSection}{Personal Traits}
\item Excellent conversationalist due to past experience in tech-support.
\item Grasps concepts super fast, and always curious to learn new things.
\item Can work in a team and lead it if needed.