Run2A Plan, progress and performance.
Chanpreet Amole
10 年前
Other (as stated in the work)
Run2A Plan, progress and performance (preliminary).

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\author{Chanpreet Amole}
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\section{Run Summary}
\section{Run Plan}
\section{Run List}
\paragraph{Run Type:} Numbering to describe the type of run in the history file and in the run list.
\item 0 - Low Background run
\item 13 - No-Shielding (only convention for now, not added in the DAQ)
\paragraph{Mean SuperHeat time (MSH-t):} Measure of the average amount of live time achieved during a run.
\item Total MSH-t: Total time the detector was in expansion mode during a run divided by the total number of events during the run.
\item Effective MSH-t: MeanSuperHeat-time of a run including only bubble events and timeout events.
\paragraph{Live fraction:}
Fraction of the total elapsed time of a run when the detector was in expansion mode.
\paragraph{Data:} Tagging of runs based on the run type and detector conditions for data analysis.
\item \textcolor{red}{\textbf{T/M}} - Testing or monitoring of the detector.
\item \textcolor{black}{\textbf{LBg}} - Low-background run.
\item \textcolor{green}{\textbf{Cal}} - Calibration run.
\item \textit{\textcolor{black}{LBg or} \textcolor{green}{Cal}} - Unsuccessful low-background or Calibration run.
\paragraph{elog:} Link to the elog entry indicating any observations, issues or notes for that run or the detector performance during the run. Any changes in the detector or the run conditions are also linked here.
\item info - Any important observation or recorded measurement (e.g. Too many false triggers etc.).
\item alter - Any changes/alterations to the detector condition or run settings (e.g. deployed/removed shielding etc.).
\item issue - Any issue that caused for pause/stopping of a run (e.g. dytran is not responding).
\label{Run's condition}
%\resizebox{!}{23cm} {
\begin{tabular}{| c | c c c c c c c |}
\textsf{Run} & \textsf{Type} & \textsf{Start/Stop time} & \textsf{Events} & \textsf{Total [Eff.] MSH-t} & \textsf{Live fraction} & \textsf{Data} & \textsf{Elog} \\ \hline
20150123$\_$0 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & \href{http://dbweb3.fnal.gov:8080/ECL/coupp/E/show?e=5061}{\textsf{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{alter}}}} \\ \hline
20150123$\_$1 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & - \\ \hline
20150123$\_$2 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & - \\ \hline
20150123$\_$3 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & \href{http://dbweb3.fnal.gov:8080/ECL/coupp/E/show?e=5063}{\textsf{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{alter}}}} \href{http://dbweb3.fnal.gov:8080/ECL/coupp/E/show?e=5064}{\textsf{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{alter}}}} \\ \hline
20150124$\_$0 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & - \\ \hline
20150125$\_$0 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & - \\ \hline
20150125$\_$1 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & - \\ \hline
20150126$\_$0 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & - \\ \hline
20150126$\_$1 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & \href{http://dbweb3.fnal.gov:8080/ECL/coupp/E/show?e=5067}{\textsf{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{alter}}}} \\ \hline
20150127$\_$0 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & - \\ \hline
20150128$\_$0 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & \href{http://dbweb3.fnal.gov:8080/ECL/coupp/E/show?e=5070}{\textsf{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{info}}}} \\ \hline
20150129$\_$0 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & - \\ \hline
20150129$\_$1 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & \href{http://dbweb3.fnal.gov:8080/ECL/coupp/E/show?e=5073}{\textsf{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{alter}}}} \\ \hline
20150202$\_$0 & 13 & xx & 99 & 200.2 [190.2] s & 12 $\%$ & \textcolor{red}{T/M} & \href{http://dbweb3.fnal.gov:8080/ECL/coupp/E/show?e=5082}{\textsf{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{info}}}} \\ \hline
20150202$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150203$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150204$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150204$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150205$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150206$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150206$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150207$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150208$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150219$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150219$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150219$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150219$\_$3 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150219$\_$4 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150219$\_$5 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150219$\_$6 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150221$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150221$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150221$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150221$\_$3 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150221$\_$4 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150221$\_$5 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150221$\_$6 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
\label{Run's condition}
%\resizebox{!}{23cm} {
\begin{tabular}{| c | c c c c c c c |}
\textsf{Run} & \textsf{Type} & \textsf{Start/Stop} & \textsf{Events} & \textsf{Total[Eff.] MSH-t} & \textsf{Live fraction($\%$)} & \textsf{Data} & \textsf{Info} \\ \hline
20150222$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150222$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150222$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150222$\_$3 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150222$\_$4 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150222$\_$5 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150222$\_$6 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$3 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$4 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$5 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$6 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$7 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$8 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$9 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$10 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$11 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150227$\_$12 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150228$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150228$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150228$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150228$\_$3 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150228$\_$4 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150228$\_$5 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150228$\_$6 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150228$\_$7 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150228$\_$8 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150301$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150301$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150301$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150301$\_$3 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150301$\_$4 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150301$\_$5 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150301$\_$6 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150302$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150302$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150302$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150302$\_$3 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150303$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150303$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150303$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150304$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150304$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
\label{Run's condition}
%\resizebox{!}{23cm} {
\begin{tabular}{| c | c c c c c c c |}
\textsf{Run} & \textsf{Type} & \textsf{Start/Stop} & \textsf{Events} & \textsf{Total[Eff.] MSH-t} & \textsf{Live fraction($\%$)} & \textsf{Data} & \textsf{Info} \\ \hline
20150305$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150305$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150305$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150305$\_$3 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150306$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150306$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150306$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150306$\_$3 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150307$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150307$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150308$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150308$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150308$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150309$\_$0 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150309$\_$1 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline
20150309$\_$2 & 0 & xx & 99 & 200-150 & 12 & Test & link \\ \hline