Peter Rasmussen's Resume (Data Scientist)
Peter Rasmussen
9 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Peter Rasmussen's Resume (Data Scientist)
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Peter Rasmussen's Resume (Data Scientist)
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Deedy CV/Resume
% XeLaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (5/5/2014)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Debarghya Das (
% With extensive modifications by:
% Vel (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
% Important notes:
% This template needs to be compiled with XeLaTeX.
\documentclass[letterpaper]{deedy-resume} % Use US Letter paper, change to a4paper for A4
pdfborder = {0 0 0}
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\namesection{Peter}{Rasmussen}{ % Your name profile or other web address
\href{}{\bf} \\
\href{}{} | 202.644.1575 | petergray333 (skype)% Your contact information
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% Skills
Python and iPython Notebook \\
SQL \\
JavaScript (D3.js), HTML, and CSS \\
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\subsection{Machine Learning}
Regression \\
Support Vector Machines \\
Naive Bayes \\
K-Nearest Neighbors \\
Decision Trees \\
Cluster Analyses \\
Natural Language Processing \\
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PostgreSQL and PostGIS \\
Amazon Web Services \\
Spark and Hadoop \\
Git and Github \\
MongoDB \\
CartoDB \\
MapBox \\
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% Education
\subsection{Data Science Bootcamp}
\location{Expected June 2016 | New York, NY}
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\subsection{MS, Industrial Engineering}
\descript{University of Massachusetts}
\location{February 2012 | Amherst, MA \\
Thesis: \href{}{\bf The Economic Impacts of Technical Change in Carbon Capture}}
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\subsection{BS, Chemical Engineering}
\descript{University of Iowa}
\location{May 2006 | Iowa City, IA \\
Graduated with Honors}
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% Links
Github:// \href{}{\bf pgr\_me} \\
LinkedIn:// \href{}{\bf petergrayrasmussen} \\
Twitter:// \href{}{\bf @pgr\_me} \\
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% Experience
\descript{| Data Scientist}
\location{Apr 2016 – Jun 2016 | New York, NY}
\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item Built \href{}{\bf explanatory linear regression model} for an \href{}{\bf NYC startup} to identify the types of people who are the most active microlenders
\item Scraped, cleaned, and assimilated movie box office data as inputs to \href{}{\bf box office revenue prediction model}
\item \href{}{\bf Visualized univariate and multivariate clusters} of water usage, price, income, and other factors in the US using Jenks and K-Means algorithms
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\runsubsection{HIP Consult}
\descript{| Analyst}
\location{Feb 2013 – Mar 2016 | Washington, DC}
\item {\bf Fiber Optic Infrastructure Web Mapping Application}
\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item Led product development of SAAS infrastructure mapping prototype, \href{}{\bf InfraNav} and developed custom \href{}{\bf maps} to market product's capabilities
\item Managed GIS team tasked with assimilating and mapping approximately 350,000 km of fiber optic infrastructure for 42 countries across Africa
\item {\bf Mobile Financial Commerce (MFC) Market Analyses}
\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item Led quantitative analysis to develop value propositions for a multinational company seeking to enter MFC markets in several African markets
\item Built financial model to assess market potential and expected cash flows of a Tanzanian mobile payments startup
\item Authored market-sizing and forecasting section of a commercial \href{}{\bf report} on characteristics, forecasts, and trends in MFC for several African markets
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\runsubsection{Chase Construction Limited}
\descript{| Project Manager}
\location{Oct 2011 – Jul 2012 | Nairobi, Kenya}
\item Led research team in analyzing investments in renewable energy and ag technologies, from conducting fieldwork in Nairobi and Mogadishu to market research, engineering design, \& financial evaluation of potential projects
\item Drove business development by writing grant proposals to international organizations and delivering presentations to pitch to potential funders
\item Co-organized first \href{}{\bf TEDxMogadishu}, a series of talks given by Somalis on the “rebirth” of Mogadishu, including the resurgence of the private sector
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\runsubsection{Engineers Without Borders}
\descript{| Program Manager}
\location{Jun 2010 – May 2011 | Amherst, MA}
\item Managed EWB-UMass Kenya program to improve water quality in western Kenya for a rural community of approximately 10,000
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\runsubsection{University of Massachusetts}
\descript{| Research Assistant}
\location{Aug 2009 – May 2011 | Amherst, MA}
\item Modeled long-term economic impacts of technical change in carbon capture (CC) given a greenhouse gas emissions policy
\item Conducted sensitivity analyses of key performance drivers of CC costs to simulate the impact of technical change on CC cost
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\runsubsection{Environmental Resources Management}
\descript{| Staff Engineer}
\location{Jul 2006 – Aug 2009 | New Orleans, LA}
\item Managed environmental consulting projects across multiple sectors, including energy and manufacturing
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