Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Cheatsheet
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (12/12/15)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Michael Müller (https://github.com/cmichi/latex-template-collection) with
% extensive modifications by Vel (vel@LaTeXTemplates.com)
% License:
% The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)
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pdfauthor={John Smith},
pdfsubject={Compilation of useful shortcuts},
pdfkeywords={Random Software, Cheatsheet}]
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\sectiontitle{Mu4e Reference Card for v1.0}
\sectiontitle{Editor view}
\command{C-c C-c}{send message}
\command{C-c C-d}{save to drafts and leave}
\command{C-C C-k}{kill message buffer, remains in Drafts}
\command{C-C C-a}{attach a file (drag \& drop also works)}
\command{C-c C-w}{Choose signature}
\command{C-S-u}{update mail \& reindex}
\sectiontitle{Headers view}
\command{n, p}{view the next, previous message}
\command{], [}{move to the next, previous unread message}
\command{y}{select the message view (if it's visible)}
\command{RET}{open the message at point in the message view}
\command{S}{edit last query}
\command{/}{narrow the search}
\command{b}{search bookmark}
\command{B}{edit bookmark before search}
\command{j}{jump to maildir}
\command{M-left,\textbackslash}{previous query}
\command{M-right}{next query}
\command{O}{change sort order}
\command{P}{toggle threading}
\command{Q}{toggle full-search}
\command{V}{toggle skip-duplicates}
\command{W}{toggle include-related}
\command{E}{edit (only allowed for draft messages)}
\command{;}{switch context}
\command{a}{execute some custom action on a header}
\command{|}{pipe message through shell command}
\command{C-+,C--}{change the number of headers shown}
\command{H}{get help}
\command{C-S-u}{update mail \& reindex}
\command{q}{leave the headers buffer}
\end{minipage} % End the first column of text
} % End the first division of the page
\put(105,200){ % Divide the page
\begin{minipage}[t]{85mm} % Create a box to house text
\command{d}{mark for moving to the trash folder}
\command{\=}{mark for removing trash flag ('untrash')}
\command{DEL,D}{mark for complete deletion}
\command{m}{mark for moving to another maildir folder}
\command{r}{mark for refiling}
\command{+,-}{mark for flagging/unflagging}
\command{?,!}{mark message as unread, read}
\command{u}{unmark message at point}
\command{U}{unmark *all* messages}
\command{\%}{mark based on a regular expression}
\command{T,t}{mark whole thread, subthread}
\command{<insert>,*}{mark for 'something' (decide later)}
\command{\#}{resolve deferred 'something' marks}
\command{x}{execute actions for the marked messages}
\sectiontitle{Message view}
\command{n, p}{view the next, previous message}
\command{], [}{move to the next, previous unread message}
\command{y}{select the message view (if it's visible)}
\command{RET}{scroll down}
\command{M-RET}{open URL at point / attachment at point}
\command{SPC}{scroll down, if at end, move to next message}
\command{S-SPC}{scroll up}
\command{E}{edit (only allowed for draft messages)}
\command{e}{edit last query}
\command{/}{narrow the search}
\command{b}{search bookmark}
\command{B}{edit bookmark before search}
\command{j}{jump to maildir}
\command{M-left,\textbackslash}{previous query}
\command{M-right}{next query}
\end{minipage} % End the second column of text
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\put(200,200){ % Divide the page
\begin{minipage}[t]{85mm} % Create a box to house tex
\command{d}{mark for moving to the trash folder}
\command{\=}{mark for removing trash flag ('untrash')}
\command{DEL,D}{mark for complete deletion}
\command{m}{mark for moving to another maildir folder}
\command{r}{mark for refiling}
\command{+,-}{mark for flagging/unflagging}
\command{?,!}{mark message as unread, read}
\command{u}{unmark message at point}
\command{U}{unmark *all* messages}
\command{\%}{mark based on a regular expression}
\command{T,t}{mark whole thread, subthread}
\command{<insert>,*}{mark for 'something' (decide later)}
\command{\#}{resolve deferred 'something' marks}
\command{x}{execute actions for the marked messages}
\command{g}{go to (visit) numbered URL (using `browse-url')
(or: <mouse-1> or M-RET with point on url)}
\command{C-u g}{visits multiple URLs}
\command{f}{fetch (download )the numbered URL}
\command{C-u f}{fetches multiple URLs}
\command{k}{save the numbered URL in the kill-ring}
\command{C-u k}{saves multiple URLs}
\command{e}{extract (save) one or more attachments (asks for numbers)
(or: <mouse-2> or S-RET with point on attachment)}
\command{o}{open attachment (asks for number)
(or: <mouse-1> or M-RET with point on attachment)}
\command{a}{execute some custom action on the message}
\command{A}{execute some custom action on an attachment}
\command{;}{switch context}
\command{c}{copy address at point (with C-u copy long version)}
\command{.}{show the raw message view. 'q' takes you back.}
\command{h}{toggle between html/text (if available)}
\command{w}{toggle line wrapping}
\command{\#}{ toggle show/hide cited parts}
\command{v}{ show details about the cryptographic signature}
\command{C-+,C--}{increase / decrease the number of headers shown}
% \texttt{/.config/awesome/rc.lua}
% \texttt{/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua}
% \vspace{\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the next section
% \sectiontitle{Links and information}
% \url{http://awesome.naquadah.org/}
% \url{http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/}
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{\color{mygray}\line(1,0){30}} % Print the line with a custom color
Created 2018\\
Released under the MIT license.
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