
Mod 7 Presentation: Folded Dipole with Corner Reflector
Samuel Oyediran
9 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Midterm presentation

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Midterm presentation
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\title[]{Midterm Presentation} % The short title appears at the bottom of every slide, the full title is only on the title page
\author{Group Fleming} % Your name
\institute[University of Twente] % Your institution as it will appear on the bottom of every slide, may be shorthand to save space
University of Twente \\ % Your institution for the title page
%\textit{john@smith.com} % Your email address
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\begin{frame}{Folded Dipole with Corner Reflector}
\item 433 MHz transmitting antenna
\item Transmitter impedance matching with antenna impedance
\item High gain
\item Design an antenna that works and can be understood
\begin{frame}{Hertzian Dipole}
\item Simplest infinitesimal radiating element
\item Basis for further analysis of more complex antenna
\item Two equal and opposite charge reservoirs separated by
a distance d
\item Far field:
B_{\phi} = - \frac{I \: \delta l}{4 \pi j} \left( \frac{e^{-j k r_2}}{r_2} \right) k \sin{(\theta)}
E_{\theta} = - \frac{I \: \delta l}{4 \pi j} \left( \frac{e^{-j k r_2}}{r_2} \right) \sqrt{\frac{\mu_0}{\epsilon_0}} \: k \sin{(\theta)}
\begin{frame}{Folded Dipole}
\begin{block}{Folded Dipole}
A basic dipole with the two ends folded to make a complete loop
\item Length of rod are a half wavelength
\item Direction propagating waves
\begin{frame}{Corner Reflector}
\item Increases gain and directivity
\item Assuming perfectly conducting intersecting planes
\item Mirrors the dipole, 3 times the signal
%\includegraphics[width=0.8 \textwidth, height=0.3 \textwidth]{Figures/corner_distance.eps}
%\item $\vec{E}=f(\theta,\phi) \frac{e^{-jkr}}{r}[2cos(kscos\phi)-2cos(kssin\phi)]$
%\begin{frame}{Corner Reflector}
%\item Increases gain and directivity
%\item Mirrors the dipole, 4 times the signal
%\includegraphics[scale = 0.2]{Figures/corner_distance.eps}
\begin{frame}{Simulations vs Calculations}
\begin{frame}{Issues to Tackle...}
\begin{block}{In theory everything works, but in practice...}
\item Phase
\item Impedance Matching
\item Building
% \item Operating frequency $433MHz$
%% \item Transmit signal for up to $100m$
% \item Length of Antenna $69 cm$ 4
\item Desired phase difference of $\pi$
\item We may consider the full-wavelength antenna as composed of two
half-wavelength antennas having identical radiating properties, one excited positively and the other negatively, or $\pi$ out of phase.
\item Phase difference can be regulated by shifting the gap in the dipole
\begin{frame}{Impedance Matching}
\item Aim: $Z_{in}=Z_{out}$
\item Minimize the transfer coefficient $\Gamma$
\item ensures that the signal is not reflected back into the transmission line
\item Maximize the power delivered to the antenna
\item Dependent on the separation between the two dipoles.
\item Optimum separation smaller than 3 cm.
\begin{frame}{Technical Representation}
\item{Building Steps} \\
- Bending a hollow metal pipe to the folded dipole dimensions\\
- Constructing the corner reflector out of wire mesh\\
- Attaching the wires \& balun to the folded dipole\\
- Copper\\
- Wire mesh\\
- Coax cable\\
- Balun
\item Budget
- 25 euro
\item Final calculations
\item Minor adjustments to size of dipole
\item Use simulations to verify theory
\item Take into account that theory is not reality
\begin{frame}{Next Steps}