Created using the baposter Portrait Poster LaTeX Template Version 1.0 (15/5/13) originally created by Brian Amberg (, downloaded from
% baposter Portrait Poster
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (15/5/13)
% Created by:
% Brian Amberg (
% This template has been downloaded from:
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
%841mm x 1189mm
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\sf\bf MoCA : Tool for \underline{M}otif \underline{C}onservation \underline{A}nalysis} % Poster title
{\vspace{1em} Saket Choudhary, Anton Valouev\\ % Author names
{\smaller \{skchoudh, valouev\}}\\
} % Author email addresses
\headerbox{Introduction}{name=introduction,column=0,row=0, span=3}{
\item Motifs are Short DNA sequences that appear recurrently and often act as sequence specific binding sites for transcription factors
\item Determining the quality of a reported ChIP-Seq motif is hard
\item Motif analysis tools such as MEME\cite{bailey2015meme} can often report `false motifs' and still have significant p-value(or E-values)
\item `Distance from center' approach fails to identify new co-transcription factor motifs
%\headerbox{True vs False Motifs}{name=introduction2,column=1,row=0, span=2}{
\headerbox{Materials and Methods}{name=methods,column=0,below=introduction, span=3}{
\item `True' transcription factor(TF) motifs have significant correlation between motif and conservation
\item `True' TF motifs have higher conservation scores at motif bases as compared to flanking bases
\item Any metric to assess the quality of motifs, should also rely on biological relevance besides the statistical analysis
\item Since the motif acts as a specific binding sequence, it can be expected to be conserved evolutionarily
\item MoCA makes use of the PhyloP and Gerp scores to assess the conservation profile
\item Automated analysis of ENCODE datasets, with a RESTful api
\item MoCA is a helpful tool for identifying `true' motifs
\item MoCA's RESTful api allows automated analysis of ENCODE ChIP-seq datasets
\captionof{figure}{MoCA Workflow}
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