Mejri Mohamed Habib's CV
Mejri Mohamed Habibe
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Mejri Mohamed Habib's CV. Created based on the Friggeri CV template.

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Mejri Mohamed Habib's CV. Created based on the Friggeri CV template.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\header{ }{ Mejri Mohamed Habib}
{WEB Developer}
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30 Mada street Bizerte Tunisia
\section{OS Preference}
\textbf{REST API}\includegraphics[scale=0.40]{img/5stars.png}
\textbf{SOAP API}\includegraphics[scale=0.40]{img/3stars.png}
\section{Personal Skills}
{12/17 - Now}
{PHP Back-End developer}
{Sofrecom Tunisie}
{Development, Maintenance, update, Unit Testing after sales service (Orange France “Big application”)\\
skills : Zend franmewok , Php 5 , php 7 , Jquery , Ajax , Rest Api , Soap Api , PhpUnit
others skills : Jenkins , SVN , Git , Agility , Docker \\}
{01/16 - 12/17}
{ Team lead And PHP developer}
{Aleeph Tunis(Partner of Weeteem France)}
{Development and maintenance of e-commerce websites
Component development and testing
Analysis, audit and improvement websites
Integration of payment solutions
Update, hosting, migration, optimization and secure website.\\
skills : WooCommerce, wordpress , Prestashop (all version), PHP5,7 , jQuery , Ajax , CSS3 , SEO. Laravel
{01/14 - 12/16}
{PHP developer}
{Development, integration, maintenance, audit, update multi E-commerce website.\\}
{08/13 - 12/14}
{PHP developer}
{Development, integration, maintenance, audit, update multi E-commerce website.\\}
{2009 - 2012}
{Professional License}
{Esti Tunis}
{computer system and software in Higher School of Technology and computer science\\}
{Advanced php chees\\
LeaderShip training\\
Company creation training\\}
\section{Other Info}
Linked In : {https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-habib-mejri-1a2a13108/}
Freelance.com : {https://www.freelancer.com/u/faseterdev.html}
Freelance.com : {https://www.codeur.com/-elitecolors/evaluations}
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