Konstantinos Kirtsonis's CV
Konstantinos Kirtsonis
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Konstantinos Kirtsonis CV

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Konstantinos Kirtsonis CV
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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{\Huge Konstantinos Kirtsonis
%Section: Personal Data
\section{Personal Data}
\textsc{adress:} & 247 Caledonian Road, Islington, London, UK \\
\textsc{phone:} & (30) 6983653395\\
\textsc{linkedin:} & http://www.linkedin.com/in/konstantinekirtsonis\\
\textsc{e-mail:} & {kyrkost@outlook.com}\\
%Section: Work Experience at the top
\textsc{Civil - Structural Engineer} & {I am an enthusiast and highly motivated Structural Engineer. My highlights are: good teamworking skills, excellent communication and presentation skills. Looking forward to:}
\item Implement my abilities and skills in CAE softwares.
\item Execute large scale Civil engineering projects within time and budgetary constraints.
\item Adept at conducting assessment of materials to ensure implementation of quality standards.
\textsc{October 2013 - \allowbreak July 2019} & \textit{Master (MEng) in Civil Engineering with specialization in Stuctural engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece}\\
\\ & Coursework: Mechanics of Materials, Earthquake Engineering, Finite Element Analysis, Computer-Aided Engineering. \\
\\ & Thesis: \textit{Experimental investigation, Seismic behavior of full scale external beam-column joints with X-type reinforcement.} Supervised by Professors: C. G. Karayannis, Constantin Chalioris \\ & Presented in the 18th Panhellenic Concrete Conference \\
\textsc{October 2009 - \allowbreak October 2011} & \textit{Department of Informatics , University of Athens}\\ & Coursework: C, Data Structures, Algorithms and Complexity, C++ \\
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%Section: Education
\section{work experience}
\textsc{October 2018 - June 2019} & Assistant at the \textit{Office of Research and Computer Science, Signals Arm, Greek Army, Didimoticho.}\\
& Supported division headquarters by providing administration assistance for the intranet. (Network mapping tools, syslog servers).\\
& Configured and upgraded virtualization technologies to monitor\\& functional operations and ensured smooth running of corporate tasks. (VMWare)\allowbreak\\
& Accomplishments: Facilitated company by upgrading the divisions servers software that increased productivity level of IT department.
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\textsc{June 2018 - September 2018} & \textit{Internee at Eratosthenis Technical Corporation, Chalkida, Greece}
\\& Collaborated with technical department to co-ordinate large scale Civil engineering
projects. Analysed project tasks and prepared and submitted progress reports to lead design engineer and project manager.
Supported the construction of several local roads to develop the transport network of Evia island. Conducted assessment of materials to ensure implementation of quality standards.\\
%Section: Scholarships and additional info
\section{Notable Projects}
\textsc{C} & \textit{Development of a program using algorithms predicting the first numbers given upper bound}
\textsc{Python} & \textit{Development of a script calculating the effective length of a column (EC2)}
\textsc{autoCAD/archiCAD} & \textit{Architectural Design and Building Planning of High-rise Apartment Buildings}
\textsc{MATLAB} & \textit{Design and implement the model of corrosion and its impact of the Structural integrity of the Iron Bridge of Chalkida}
\textsc{ABAQUS} & \textit{Nonlinear analysis of a vertical component under high compressive load}
\textsc{autoCAD/RISA} & \textit{Structural analysis of Hospital facilities using RISA software, as part of the course Reinforced Concrete Structures III (Design for seismic actions)}
\textsc{autoCAD/Robot/\allowbreak TEKLA BIM}& \textit{Structural design of an Industrial Steel Building}
\textsc{autoCAD/Robot} & \textit{Modelling and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Bridge}
\textsc{arcGIS} & \textit{Geographical analysis and parametrization of the region of Epirus based on demographic variables}
%Section: Languages
\textsc{English:}&IELTS exams (10/2019)\\
\textsc{Greek:}& Native Language
\section{Technical Skills}
\textsc{C},\textsc{C++},\textsc{FORTRAN}, \textsc{MATLAB},\textsc{ABAQUS},\textsc{ANSYS}, \textsc{AutoCAD},\textsc{Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, Powerpoint)}
\section{Volunteer Experience}
\textsc{2011 - 2015}&Fire Protection Volunteer - \textit{CALLISTO Environmental Organisation for Wildlife and Nature}\\
\section{Personal Interests}
\item Sustainable infrastructure materials engineering
\item Structural Health Monitoring using AI
\item Smart Homes
\section{Driving Skills}
\textsc{September 2009} & Driving Licence class B (EU)/full driving license (UK)
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