The presentation is about my industrial training. The making of application,its benefits are stated in the presentation.
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\title[Industrial Training:OLTAS]{Industrial Training Presentation}
\author{Chitra Lakhotia (PRN:13030142076)\\}
\institute{\bf Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies And Research}
%\textsc {Industrial Training Presentation }
\date{$30^{\text{th}}$ May 2015}
\section{Introduction : Online Tax Payment}
\begin{frame}{Online Tax Payment(OLTAS)}
\item OLTAS is a private owned product used by Yes Bank.
\item A system which can integrate with internet portal and provide facility of making tax payments to their end internet portal users.
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\section{MySpace and OLTAS}
\item OLTAS is a part of MySpace.
\item MySpace is totally for customer’s space, where different types of services like insurance schemes , cheque printing, online payments, gifts and voucher offers provided by Yes Bank under one application.
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\includegraphics[width=5cm ,height= 3cm]{multitasking_cartoon.jpg}
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\section{How it Works}
\begin{frame}{Yes Bank and NSDL}
\item Yes Bank is a depository participant of NSDL.
\item Yes Bank act as a middle man in the process of online tax payment.
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\item NSDL is promoted byIndustrial Development Bank of India Limited(IDBI) - the largest development bank of India.
\item NSDLis an Indian central securities depository.
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\begin{block}{From customer’s point of view}
\item Ease of access : Tax payers can track online the status of their challans deposited in banks
\item Secure
\item Check present status of challan
\item Get Confirmation
\begin{block}{From Bank’s point of view}
\item Provide multiple services
\item Make Business
\item Increase Brand Value
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\item \url{}
\item \url{} \\
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\item Programming ASP.NET 3.5
\item The Indian Financial System: Markets, Institutions and Services
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\section{End of Presentation}
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\item Thank You.