Faseeh Ahmad's CV
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Faseeh Ahmad's CV. Created with the Twenty Seconds CV template.

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Faseeh Ahmad's CV. Created with the Twenty Seconds CV template.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Twenty Seconds Resume/CV
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.1 (8/1/17)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Carmine Spagnuolo (cspagnuolo@unisa.it) with major modifications by
% Vel (vel@LaTeXTemplates.com)
% License:
% The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)
\documentclass[letterpaper]{twentysecondcv} % a4paper for A4
% If you don't need one or more of the below, just remove the content leaving the command, e.g. \cvnumberphone{}
\profilepic{QLVK5082.jpg} % Profile picture
\cvname{Faseeh Ahmad } % Your name
\cvjobtitle{Mechatronics Engineer } % Job title/career
\cvdate{29 November 1995} % Date of birth
\cvaddress{Jhelum} % Short address/location, use \newline if more than 1 line is required
\cvnumberphone{+92 336-5889880} % Phone number
\cvsite{www.linkedin.com/in/faseeh-sarwar-1186b2172} % Personal website
\cvmail{Faseehahmad29@gmail.com} % Email address
\aboutme{Enthusiastically seeking experience in the field of Mechatronics Engineering and desire to work with established organizations in order to strengthen my skills and knowledge in the best interests of the organization and for my personal professional growth. A communicative, encouraging team player who presents ideas effectively and is able to assist others in the latest procedures.A keen learner and willing to work with a team and separate individuals to help achieve required goal.} % To have no About Me section, just remove all the text and leave \aboutme{}
% Skill bar section, each skill must have a value between 0 an 6 (float)
\skills{{PLC /5.5},{Industrial Automation/5},{AutoCAD/4},{MATLAB/4.5}, {Industrial machines(Lathe, milling /5}}
% Skill text section, each skill must have a value between 0 an 6
\makeprofile % Print the sidebar
Robotics and Industrial Automation
\begin{twenty} % Environment for a list with descriptions
\twentyitem{2019}{BE Mechatronics}{Mechatronics Engineering }{Air University,Islamabad}
\twentyitem{2013}{FSC}{APSACS Jhelum}{PreEngineering}
\twentyitem{2011}{SSC}{APSACS}{Majoring in Computer Science}
\section{Awards and Certifications}
\begin{twentyshort} % Environment for a short list with no descriptions
\twentyitemshort{2019}{Self Driving Cars , University of Toronto }
\twentyitemshort{2018}{Semi-Finalist , Air-Tech Robotics Competition }
\twentyitemshort{2017}{Gold Medalist ,Athletics.}
\twentyitemshort{2017-2019}{Air University Basketball Team}
\twentyitemshort{2018}{Chess Team Leader.}
\begin{twenty} % Environment for a list with descriptions
\twentyitem{2019}{E-commerce Officer}{Employee}{iGate Technologies}
\twentyitem{2015}{NCR Karachi} {Intern} {}
\twentyitem{2017}{FFC Mirpur Mathelo} {Intern} {}
\twentyitem{2017-2018}{President of Air University Robotics Society}{Society Head}{head of Robotics And Automation society Air University}
\twentyitem{2017-2019}{Article Writer}{Freelancer}{}
Title: Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robot \newline
Description: The purpose of the EOD or more commonly known as bomb disposal robot is to dispose a threat package wirelessly with the help of an end user.
Title: Research Paper \newline
Description: A research paper was written of 56 pages about my final year project which is being published on IEEE. \newline
Title: Banking Management System \newline
Description : In This Project Banking Management System was made in Microsoft Visual Studio , which contained employees data,Packages and other data.
Title: Conveyor belt \newline
Description: A conveyor belt was made using Arduino as a micro controller to separate big and small bottles and discard broken ones.
Title: Autonomous Path Following and Navigating Robot \newline
Description : In This project An Autonomous Robot was made which is able to make its own path , avoid obstacle , Follow wall , Sense Color , Navigate and reach the other side of the same color and blow the balloon.
%\newpage % Start a new page
%\makeprofile % Print the sidebar
%\section{Other information}
%Alice approaches Wonderland as an anthropologist, but maintains a strong sense of noblesse oblige that comes with her class status. She has confidence in her social position, education, and the Victorian virtue of good manners. Alice has a feeling of entitlement, particularly when comparing herself to Mabel, whom she declares has a ``poky little house," and no toys. Additionally, she flaunts her limited information base with anyone who will listen and becomes increasingly obsessed with the importance of good manners as she deals with the rude creatures of Wonderland. Alice maintains a superior attitude and behaves with solicitous indulgence toward those she believes are less privileged.
%\section{Other information}
%Alice approaches Wonderland as an anthropologist, but maintains a strong sense of noblesse oblige that comes with her class status. She has confidence in her social position, education, and the Victorian virtue of good manners. Alice has a feeling of entitlement, particularly when comparing herself to Mabel, whom she declares has a ``poky little house," and no toys. Additionally, she flaunts her limited information base with anyone who will listen and becomes increasingly obsessed with the importance of good manners as she deals with the rude creatures of Wonderland. Alice maintains a superior attitude and behaves with solicitous indulgence toward those she believes are less privileged.