Dmitry Anderson's CV
Дмитрий Андерсон
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Резюме на позицию JavaScript разработчика.
Created wit h the AltaCV template.

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Резюме на позицию JavaScript разработчика.
Created wit h the AltaCV template.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% This is an example CV created using altacv.cls (v1.1.5, 1 December 2018) written by
% LianTze Lim (liantze@gmail.com), based on the
% Cv created by BusinessInsider at http://www.businessinsider.my/a-sample-resume-for-marissa-mayer-2016-7/?r=US&IR=T
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% Change the colours if you want to
% Change the bullets for itemize and rating marker
% for \cvskill if you want to
%% sample.bib contains your publications
\name{Дмитрий Андерсон}
\tagline{JavaScript разработчик}
% Cropped to square from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marissa_Mayer#/media/File:Marissa_Mayer_May_2014_(cropped).jpg, CC-BY 2.0
% Not all of these are required!
% You can add your own with \printinfo{symbol}{detail}
\location{Рыбинск, Россия}
%% Make the header extend all the way to the right, if you want.
%% Depending on your tastes, you may want to make fonts of itemize environments slightly smaller
%% Provide the file name containing the sidebar contents as an optional parameter to \cvsection.
%% You can always just use \marginpar{...} if you do
%% not need to align the top of the contents to any
%% \cvsection title in the "main" bar.
\cvevent{Web developer}{Les Yetis ( Digital agency based in Paris)}{Апрель 2019 -- Июнь 2019}{Paris, France}
\item Разработка и оптимизация сборки на стеке Sage/Bedrock
\item Blade-разметка и БЭМ-вёрстка компонентов страниц и виджетов шаблонов Wordpress.
\item Разработка виджетов на JavaScript
\item Рефакторинг и ревью кода других разработчиков.
\cvevent{Веб разработчик}{Зарядка (Агентство интернет-маркетинга)}{Ноябрь 2017 -- Март 2019}{Рыбинск,Россия}
\item Разработка сайтов Wordpress на основе готовых шаблонов.
\item Разработка HTML/CSS/JavaScript макетов. Интеграция с движком Wordpress.
\item Оптимизация скорости загрузки сайтов.
\item Вхождение в топ 3 соавторов открытого учебника по JavaScript -- javascript.info
\item Вхождение в топ 10 программистов на warriorjs.com
\item Вхождение в топ 1.65\% программистов на codewars.com
\cvskill{Английский язык}{4}
\cvsection{Образование / Курсы}
\cvevent{"Разработчик JavaScript"}{Отус}{ Октябрь 2018 -- Март 2019}{}
\cvevent{"JavaScript/DOM/интерфейсы"}{javascript.info}{ Ноябрь 2017 -- Февраль 2018}{}
\cvevent{Специалист в сфере социально-культурного сервиса (Связи с общественностью)}{РГАТУ им. Соловьёва}{ Июнь 2005 -- Май 2011}{}
% \divider
% \cvevent{Product Engineer}{Google}{23 June 1999 -- 2001}{Palo Alto, CA}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Joined the company as employe \#20 and female employee \#1
% \item Developed targeted advertisement in order to use user's search queries and show them related ads
% \end{itemize}
%\cvsection{A Day of My Life}
% Adapted from @Jake's answer from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/82729/226
% \wheelchart{outer radius}{inner radius}{
% comma-separated list of value/text width/color/detail}
% Some ad-hoc tweaking to adjust the labels so that they don't overlap
% \wheelchart{1.5cm}{0.5cm}{%
% 10/10em/accent!30/Sleeping \& dreaming about work,
% 25/9em/accent!60/Public resolving issues with Yahoo!\ investors,
% 5/13em/accent!10/\footnotesize\\[1ex]New York \& San Francisco Ballet Jawbone board member,
% 20/15em/accent!40/Spending time with family,
% 5/8em/accent!20/\footnotesize Business development for Yahoo!\ after the Verizon acquisition,
% 30/9em/accent/Showing Yahoo!\ employees that their work has meaning,
% 5/8em/accent!20/Baking cupcakes
% }
% \cvsection[page2sidebar]{Publications}
% \printbibliography[heading=pubtype,title={\printinfo{\faBook}{Books}},type=book]
% \divider
% \printbibliography[heading=pubtype,title={\printinfo{\faFileTextO}{Journal Articles}}, type=article]
% \divider
% \printbibliography[heading=pubtype,title={\printinfo{\faGroup}{Conference Proceedings}},type=inproceedings]
% %% If the NEXT page doesn't start with a \cvsection but you'd
% %% still like to add a sidebar, then use this command on THIS
% %% page to add it. The optional argument lets you pull up the
% %% sidebar a bit so that it looks aligned with the top of the
% %% main column.
% % \addnextpagesidebar[-1ex]{page3sidebar}