Curriculum Vitae David Alberto Adler
David Alberto Adler
9 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
David Alberto Adler's Curriculum Vitae

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
David Alberto Adler's Curriculum Vitae
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% CS
%% ModernCV themes
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%% Personal data
\address{55 Lock Rd}{London TW10 7LQ}
\extrainfo{Dual-nationality: Brazilian-British}
%\quote{Aspiring to be the best}
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
%% Content
\section{Experience} % =====================================
\cvitem{Apr 2014 }{ \textbf{Software engineer}, \textit{Chaordic, Florianopolis, Brazil.}}
\cvitem{to Jun 2015}{
\item Brazil's largest e-commerce platform company, integrated with over 60\% of Brazil's e-commerces.
\item Developed search platform. Web stack includes elasticsearch, angularjs, python (Flask), redis, git, rsync, amazon services (EC2, cloudfront), docker, ansible and nginx.
\item Lead javascript developer for search team.
\cvitem{Feb 2014}{ \textbf{Web developer}, \textit{Aentropico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.}}
\item Data visualizations with d3js.
\item Web stack included angularjs, nodejs, amazons3 and mongodb.
\cvitem{Aug 2013}{ \textbf{Web developer}, \textit{SuperAwesome, London, UK.}}
\cvitem{to Dec 2013}{
\item Innovated and developed a front-end automator web app which optimized front-end build time from ~ 5 hours to ~ 1 minute.
Made several presentations on this web app.
\item Maintained front and backend. Built content management system for website.
\item Using django, heroku, S3 storage, git, javascript, HTML5 canvas, HTML and CSS.
\item Developed multiple HTML5 canvas mini-games.
\cvitem{Sep 2011}{ \textbf{Neuroscience Research Intern}, \textit{Functional Neuroanatomy Lab, IkerBasque, Spain.}}
\cvitem{to Sep 2012}{
\item Developed presentation skills in regular boardroom meetings.
\item Project: Investigated changes in cell morphology of astrocytes in the triple transgenic
mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Developed skills in data analysis, fluorescence microscopy
and immunohistochemistry.
\section{Education} % =====================================
\cvitem{2013}{ \textbf{Massive Open Online Courses}}
\cvitem{to current}{
\item Hardware software interface, University of Washington, Coursera.
\item Javascript design patterns, Udacity.
\item Mobile web development, Udacity.
\item Web development, Udacity.
\cvitem{2009--2013}{ \textbf{2:1 (69\%) BSc Honours Neuroscience}, \textit{University of Manchester }, UK.}
\item Averaged 1st in core neuroscience modules.
\item Demonstrated drive and creativity by designing my own final year project \textit{de novo}.
\item Project (awarded 1st): Disproved validity of a pioneering artificial intelligence algorithm.
Created my own computational model of learning networks of the brain.
Gained experience in computational modelling and machine learning.
\cvitem{2007--2009}{ \textbf{A levels}, \textit{Ibstock Place School}, London, UK.}
\cvitem{}{Physics (B), Maths (B), Biology (B). AS level: French (B).}
\cvitem{2005--2007}{ \textbf{GCSEs}, \textit{Ibstock Place School}, London, UK.}
\cvitem{}{1A*, 5As, 4Bs + Triple Science.}
\cvitem{Languages}{English (native), Portuguese (fluent), French (advanced) and Spanish (intermediate).}
\cvitem{Academic Honours}{
\item Featured in the University of Manchester Undergraduate Prospectus.
\item Silver Award in UK National Mathematics Challenge.
\item Advanced one year for academic attainment in primary school.
\section{Technical skills} % =====================================
\item I \textbf{love} to code! In my spare time I enjoy studying and building my ideas. I have strongest interest in web development but also enjoy AI and solving coding problems.
% \begin{minipage}[t]{\listitemmaincolumnwidth}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries Language } & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries Experience} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries Competence} \\ %\cmidrule(r){1-3}
\hline Python & 5 years experience and favourite language. Developed professionally with django and Flask for websites serving 1000 rpm. Competent with: django, webapp2, Flask, numpy/scipy, pybrain, matplotlib, selenium, BeautifulSoup, elasticsearchpy. & High \\
Javascript & 5 years experience. Familiar with several MVCs especially angularjs and I have done a course in JS design patterns. Built several HTML5 canvas games. Also strong experience with nodejs, expressjs, web sockets, mongodb and d3js. Experince with testing using karma, jasmine and phantomJS. & High \\
C & First language, built good understanding of statically typed languages and CS theory. & Medium \\
Go & Small amount of functional programming and experimented with a chat server, but would like to learn more. & Low \\
CSS & Familiar with SASS, LESS, grunt and building performant fluid designs. Interested in color systems and typography. & High \\
% \end{minipage}
% \section{Leadership roles} % =====================================
% \cvitem{2012--2013}{ \textbf{Founder and chair}, of \textit{University of Manchester Slackline Society.}}
% \cvitem{}{
% Developed management skills by organizing events and managing studies in parallel.
% }
% \cvitem{2012--2013}{ \textbf{Committee member}, of \textit{University of Manchester Ultimate Programming Society.}}
% \cvitem{}{
% Gave a talk on google apps script and google app engine to a room of 50 persons.
% }
% \section{Interests} % =====================================
% \cvitem{Slacklining}{
% At ground level, I use the slackline as a thin trampoline and have since been sponsored and competed at national level. }
% \cvitem{Cycling}{
% I enjoy the challenge of bicycle touring and have travelled thousands of miles through Europe by bicycle. }
%\section{References} % =====================================
%\cvitem{Autumn 2013}{\textbf{Joshua Wohle}
%- Cheif Production Officer and manager at SuperAwesome. joshua@superawesome.tv}
%\cvitem{2011-2012}{ \textbf{Doctor Markel Olabarria} - Supervisor for one year during laboratory placement. markelolaba@gmail.com}
%\cvitem{2009-2013}{\textbf{Professor Richard Baines}
% - Personal advisor over four year period during university. richard.baines@manchester.ac.uk}