Chapters 1-3 of Connecting the Last Billion
Yahel Ben-David
9 年前
Other (as stated in the work)
Chapters 1-3 of my PhD dissertation.

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Chapters 1-3 of my PhD dissertation.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%% thesis.tex 2014/04/11
% Based on sample files of unknown authorship.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Paul Vojta.
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\newtheorem{rchal}{Research challenge}
% Declarations for Front Matter
\title{Connecting the Last Billion}
\author{Yahel Ben David}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\chair{Professor Eric Brewer}
\othermembers{Professor Scott Shenker \\
Professor Tapan Parikh }
% Previous degrees are no longer to be listed on the title page.
% \prevdegrees{B.A. (University of Northern South Dakota at Hoople) 1978 \\
% M.S. (Ed's School of Quantum Mechanics and Muffler Repair) 1989}
\field{Engineering - Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences}
% Designated Emphasis -- this is optional, and rare
% \emphasis{Colloidal Telemetry}
% This is optional, and rare
% \jointinstitution{University of Western Maryland}
% This is optional
% For a masters thesis, replace the above \documentclass line with
% \documentclass[masters]{ucbthesis}
% This affects the title and approval pages, which by default calls this
% document a "dissertation", not a "thesis".
% Delete (or comment out) the \approvalpage line for the final version.
%To Divya, Nitai, and especially their mother --- Yael.
% You can delete the \clearpage lines if you don't want these to start on
% separate pages.
\part{Rural Internet Access -- the premise of WISPs}
% * <brewer@cs.berkeley.edu> 2015-09-30T01:52:37.307Z:
% use -- for an en dash
% ^ <overleaf@yahel.org> 2015-10-14T16:05:44.788Z.
\chapter{How can SDN help enable rural Internet}
%\chapter{Rural computer security}
%\renewcommand\todo[1]{{\color{red}Optional addition: #1}}
%\part{Dissent Networking}
%\chapter{How should we build Dissent Networks}
%\chapter{Rangzen - designing a dissent network}
%\chapter{The Rangzen Android app}
% Rangzen provides an open-source, anonymous, one-to-many messaging layer that requires only users’ smartphones, does not depend on an internet connection and can withstand governments’ adversarial network-level attacks.
%The app is intended primarily for activists in oppressive regimes but could be used for other purposes such as civil engagement, journalism and more. We plan to release it by the end of the calendar year if all goes well.
%\section{About the Rangzen application}
%Rangzen (freedom in Tibetan) is an open-source, anonymous messaging app that does not require an Internet connection. Users can post microblogs (short messages like Tweets) that are shared directly between nearby smartphones without relying on any cellular or WiFi network. Messages spread through the network of Rangzen users from one device to another, using BlueTooth and WiFi Direct, thus creating what's called a mesh network. The network is delay-tolerant, meaning when a user sends a message, it is saved in the app and whenever another device is detected within range (up to 100 feet) then that message is forwarded automatically to that device. Unlike with messaging apps using the internet, with Rangzen, messages do not spread in real-time through some central server but rather from directly from one device to another whenever devices are in physical proximity to each other. The app runs in the background, periodically searching for nearby devices and sending and receiving messages to and from each device, therefore not requiring user active participation in message forwarding.
%Messages contain only 140 characters and are completely anonymous, i.e. do not include any metadata such as name, pseudonym, etc. Further, Rangzen automatically assigns a trust score between 1-100 to each message and displays the messages in the feed from highest to lowest score.
%\section{Rangzen - testing results}
%\todo{Insert once Beta-test report is ready - might not be ready in time! In which case - the whole chapter is pointless and would need to go!
% Also - include the FAQ for the app, and invitation to beta-test, surveys, etc - as inserts}