Basics of Bash
Mahendra Moorthy Kesavan
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
How to create client and server

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How to create client and server
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\title{Basics of Bash}
\author{Mahendra Moorthy Kesavan }
\date{October 08 2019}
Here I am trying to connect the server and client in different terminal in the same desktop. And measure the transfer rate and file size.
\section{Creating a Server in my Ubuntu Command Prompt}
I made this task using Bash Programming language. Creating server in command prompt terminal.
Code :"python3 -m http.server"
\newline Response : "Serving HTTP on port 8000...
\graphicspath{ {./snaps/} }
\section{Creating a Separate terminal in another command prompt}
code :"dd if=/dev/zero of=./a.dat count=1000 bs=10"
\newline Response : \newline1000+0 records in
\newline1000+0 records out
\newline10000 bytes (10 kB, 9.8 KiB) copied, 0.0157185 s, 636 kB/s
\graphicspath{ {./snaps2/} }
This code not just created the client but also created a '.dat'file , transfered and received it
from the server and calculated the data rate and time for the process. When I change the size of the
'.dat' file by changing the bit count and block size it appears to be getting more time to complete the
process. But the data rate seems like it varies randomly .
\graphicspath{ {./snaps3/} }
\section{Measuring the transfer rate and different file size}
1kb = 0.0018652 s
\newline10kb = 0.0019232 s
\newline100kb = 0.0034289 s
\newline1000kb = 0.0169656 s
\newline10000kb = 0.146192 s
If the data rate increases it takes more time for transfer because it depends on the date rate which depends on the computer speed.