Bachelor thesis on Upscaling the extracellular glucose oxidase production in Aspergillus niger var tubingensis strain Ed8
Grade: ~95%
Abbreviation system included.
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,oneside,captions=tableheading,headinclude,footinclude]{scrartcl} % or twoside
\usepackage[]{hyperref} % colorlinks, linkcolor = red, citecolor = green, filecolor = black, urlcolor = blue
\WarningFilter{glossaries}{Deprecated command} % To disable some weird warnings that i don't understand
\WarningFilter{mathastext}{current meaning of amsmath}
\setstretch{1,5} % this is for 1.5-times line stretching like in Word
%\onehalfspacing % does only multiply the spacing between lines by 1.5, its not a full line stretch!
\title{Bachelor thesis}
\subtitle{Upscaling the extracellular glucose oxidase production in \textit{Aspergillus niger} var \textit{tubingensis} strain Ed8}
\author{Thomas Welter}
%%% Inserting the complete glossary management
\newglossary[mlg]{subs}{tyi}{tyg}{Substances / Mediums}
\newglossary[nlg]{sons}{uyi}{uyg}{Other Abbreviations}
\inp{declaration} \clearpage
%%% the obligatory first pages of a thesis
\listoffigures\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures} \vspace*{-0.5\baselineskip}
\listoftables\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Tables} \clearpage
%\glsaddall % for seeing all glossary entries
%chead{\ifstr{\rightbotmark}{\leftmark}{}{\rightbotmark}} % Display the current subsection
\chead{\leftmark} % Display the current section
%%% main part of the thesis
%%% references
%\nocite{*} % for seeing all bibliography entries
\bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} % or unsrtnat