Ashish Sinha's Curriculum Vitae
Ashish Sinha
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Ashish Sinha's Curriculum Vitae. Created with the Modern CV template>/a>.

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Ashish Sinha's Curriculum Vitae. Created with the Modern CV template>/a>.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% "ModernCV" CV and Cover Letter
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.3 (29/10/16)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com) with modifications by:
% Vel (vel@latextemplates.com)
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
% Important note:
% This template requires the moderncv.cls and .sty files to be in the same
% directory as this .tex file. These files provide the resume style and themes
% used for structuring the document.
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\firstname{ Ashish} % Your first name
\familyname{Sinha} % Your last name
% All information in this block is optional, comment out any lines you don't need
%\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\address{116 RKB, IIT Roorkee}{Uttarakhand, India 247667}
\mobile{(+91) 8797 465 974 }
%\phone{(000) 111 1112}
%\fax{(000) 111 1113}
\homepage{sinashish.github.io}{www.sinashish.github.io} % The first argument is the url for the clickable link, the second argument is the url displayed in the template - this allows special characters to be displayed such as the tilde in this example
\extrainfo{\href{https://github.com/sinashish}{Github: sinashish}}
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%\quote{"A witty and playful quotation" - John Smith}
% To remove the cover letter, comment out this entire block
%\recipient{HR Department}{Corporation\\123 Pleasant Lane\\12345 City, State} % Letter recipient
%\date{\today} % Letter date
%\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,} % Opening greeting
%\closing{Sincerely yours,} % Closing phrase
%\enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}} % List of enclosed documents
%\makelettertitle % Print letter title
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\cventry{2016--2020}{Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee}{\newline Metallurgical and Materials Engineering}{Bachelor of Technology}{}{GPA -- 8.018/10} % Arguments not required can be left empty
%\cventry{2016}{D.A.V. Public School, Bistupur}{\newline Mathematics and Computer Science}{Class 12}{}{GPA -- 94.00\%} %
%\cventry{2014}{A.D.L.S. Sunshine School, Sakchi}{\newline Mathematics and Computer Science}{Class 10}{}{GPA -- 95.20\%} %
%\section{%Masters Thesis}
%\cvitem{Title}{\emph{Money Is The Root Of All Evil -- Or Is It?}}
%\cvitem{Supervisors}{Professor James Smith \& Associate Professor Jane Smith}
%\cvitem{Description}{This thesis explored the idea that money has been the cause of untold anguish and suffering in the world. I found that it has, in fact, not.}
\cventry{Aug 2018--Ongoing}{Data Scientist Intern}{\textsc{Ryelore.ai}}{}{}{
\item Implemented various image segmentation models like U-Net, SegNet, etc.
\item Currently working on satellite imagery.
\item Created tests and automation scripts.
\cventry{May 2018--July 2018}{Data Science Intern}{\textsc{Antriex IT Services}}{}{}{Developed various Trading strategies involving Bollinger Bands and other technical trade indicators with the help of TA-Lib library.
\item Implemented research papers based on \textsc{Finance and Quant trading}.
\item Wrote a \textsc{MLP classifier} to generate trade signals that increased the accuracy by 1.02\%.
\item Implemented LSTM for stock price prediction.
%\cventry{2011--2012}{Summer Intern}{\textsc{Lehman Brothers}}{Los Angeles}{}{Rated "truly distinctive" for Analytical Skills and Teamwork.}
\cventry{Jan 2019--Ongoing}{Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation using Adversarial Erasing}{\textit{Prof. Jose Dolz, Ecole de
Technologie Superieure, Canada}}{}{}{
\item Implemented Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentaion papers using PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset.
\item Working on solving biomedical health problems with MRI and CT images.
\item Paper in review at The IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI).
\cventry{May 2018-- Nov 2018}{Metal Morphology Classification using Deep Learning}{\textit{Prof. K.S. Suresh, IIT Roorkee}}{}{}{
\item Collected Iron and Titanium metal microstructures images.
\item Implemented a model with attention for classification of images into respective classes of microstructure.
\item Used the weights from various Convolutional layers of VGG16 model for t-SNE plots.
\cventry{Aug 2018}{Neural Arithmetic Logic Units \href{https://github.com/sinAshish/NALU-Keras}{[Code]}}{\textit{Self-motivated}}{}{}{
\item Implemented the paper \textit{Neural Arithmetic Logic Units} by Trask et. al. in Keras.
\item The code does \textit{arithmetic operations} only, for now.
\cventry{Aug 2018-- Oct 2018}{MURA (musculoskeletal radiographs) X-Ray Classification \href{https://github.com/sinAshish/Stanford-MURA}{[Code]}}{\textit{Self-motivated}}{}{}{
\item Implemented the original paper to reproduce the results.
\item Optimized the hyperparameters to beat the baseline score.
\item Used pretrained models like DenseNet50, ResNet169 among others with attention for classification.
\cventry{Oct 2018}{Dynamic Memory Networks Plus \href{https://github.com/sinAshish/dmn-plus}{[Code]}}{\textit{Self-motivated}}{}{}{
\item Implemented the paper \textit{Dynamic Memory Networks for Visual and Textual Question Answering} in PyTorch.
\item Model trained on BaBI dataset.
\cventry{May 2018-- Aug 2018}{Simplifying Rough Sketches Using Deep Learning \href{https://github.com/sinAshish/Rough-Sketch-Simplification-Using-FCNN}{[Code]}}{\textit{Self-motivated}}{}{}{
\item Implemented the paper \textit{Learning to Simplify: Fully Convolutional Networks for Rough Sketch Cleanup} by Simo-Serra et. al in PyTorch.
\item Implemented an Encoder-Decoder architecture.
\cventry{ Nov 2018}{Quora Insincere Question Classification}{\textit{Self-motivated}}{}{}{
\item Implemented a CNN-LSTM architecture with attention to detect toxic content in online media.
\item Achieved an F1-Score of 0.73.
%\cventry{ Mar 2017}{Gaana (Songs) Downloader \href{https://github.com/sinAshish/Gaana-Downloader}{[Code]}}{\textit{Self-motivated}}{}{}{
%\item A script to download all the songs from \href{https://www.gaana.com}{gaana.com} by just entering the album name.
\cventry{July 2018}{Humpback Whale Identification Challenge}{\textit{Kaggle}}{}{}{
\item Ranked 64 among 528 teams( TOP 13\%) in the Whale Identification Challenge.
\item Used Transfer Learning with ResNet50.
\cventry{Oct 2018}{TGS Salt Identification Challenge}{\textit{Kaggle}}{}{}{
\item Ranked 589 among 2754 teams( TOP 22\%) in the task to segment salt deposits beneath Earth's surface.
\item Used UNet with ResNet50 as encoder.
\cventry{Aug 2018}{Home Credit Default Risk}{\textit{Kaggle}}{}{}{
\item Ranked 1685 among 7198 teams( TOP 24\%) in the Home Credit Default Risk Challenge.
\item Used LightGBM and XGBoost with weighted ensemble.
\cventry{Nov 2018}{Human Protein Atlas Image Classification}{\textit{Kaggle}}{}{}{
\item Ranked in the TOP 17\%(now) in the multiclass multilabel protein classification challenge.
\item Used ResNet50 as base model.
\cventry{Oct 2018}{Quick Draw! Doodle Recognition Challenge}{\textit{Kaggle}}{}{}{
\item Ranked in the TOP 29\% in the Doodle Recognition Challenge.
\item Trained an ImageNet model from scratch, by constructing images from stokes.
\cvitem{Languages}{Python(A), C/C++(B), SQL(B)}
\cvitem{Frameworks}{Keras, PyTorch, Tensorflow}
\cvitem{WebD}{HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Jekyll}
\cvitem{Utilities}{Anaconda, Git, Sublime Text, Jupyter Notebook}
\cvitem{Communication}{English(SRW), Hindi(SRW), Japanese(SO)}
\section{Relevant Courses}
\cvitem{Online}{Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition, Deep Learning for NLP, Deep Learning.Ai Specialization, Introduction to Machine Learning, Introduction to Statistics and Probability}
\cvitem{Classroom}{ Linear Algebra, Differential Calculus, Differential Equations, Economics, Marketing Research, Environmental Economics}
\section{Extra Curriculars}
\cventry{Apr 2018}{Vision and Language Group}{\textit{Executive Member}}{}{}{ The group aims to foster Deep Learning research among students by conducting discussions and implementations on various Research Papers in the field of Computer Vision and NLP. I implemented a paper on DC-GAN and Neural Style Transfer.
\cventry{Oct 2017}{Enactus IIT Roorkee Chapter}{\textit{Executive Member}}{}{}{ The Campus group works towards Socail Entreprenership. I was a part of the Kaagaz Project.
\cventry{Jan 2018}{Academic Reinforcement Program}{\textit{Teaching Assistant}}{}{}{ Taught General Chemistry(CYN-006) to a batch of 86 students.
\cventry{Jul 2018}{Academic Reinforcement Program}{\textit{Teaching Assistant}}{}{}{ Taught Intro to Computer Programming in C++(MTN-103) to a batch of 80 students.
\cventry{Feb 2018}{Sangram IIT Roorkee}{\textit{Web Developer}}{}{}{ Developed the website for Sangram, IIT Roorkee, the official annual Sports fest of IIT Roorkee.
\cventry{Dec 2015}{Quizense}{\textit{Founder}}{}{}{ Started a start-up along with 3 others that aimed to conduct Quizzes for various schools and fests.
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\cventry{}{K.S Suresh}{\newline Assistant Professor}{\newline Metallurgical and Materials Engg., IIT Roorkee}{\newline suresfmt@iitr.ac.in}{}
\cventry{}{Anu Chandra}{\newline CEO}{\newline Ryelore AI}{\newline anu@ryelore.com}{ }
%\cventry{}{Arpit Gupta}{\newline VP Engineering}{\newline Antriex IT Services}{\newline arpit.gupta@antmex.com}{}
%\cventry{}{B.S.S Daniel}{\newline Professor}{\newline Metallurgical and Materials Engg., IIT Roorkee}{\newline s4danfmt@iitr.ac.in}{ }