Ajith K's Resume
Ajithkumar Sreekumar
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
One page resume for Master's students. Created with the Medium Length Professional CV template.
One page resume for Master's students. Created with the Medium Length Professional CV template.
% Medium Length Professional CV
% LaTeX Template
% Version 2.0 (8/5/13)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Trey Hunner (http://www.treyhunner.com/)
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\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\usepackage[left=0.4 in,top=0.4in,right=0.4 in,bottom=0.4in]{geometry} % Document margins
\name{Ajithkumar Sreekumar} % Your name
%\address{123 Pleasant Lane \\ City, State 12345} % Your secondary addess (optional)
\address{+1 (424) 465-0579 \\ ajithkumar.sreekumar94@cs.ucla.edu \\ linkedin.com/in/ajith-kumar-57567577/} % Your phone number and email
{Looking for internship opportunities in Computer Systems/Architecture design/verification/performance modelling.}
{\bf Master's in Computer Science} \hfill {Sep. 2019 - Present }
University of California, Los Angeles CGPA : N/A
{\bf B.E. in Electronics and Communication} \hfill {Aug. 2012 - Jul. 2016}\\
R V College of Engineering CGPA : 9.32/10
%Minor in Linguistics \smallskip \\
%Member of Eta Kappa Nu \\
%Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon \\
C, C++, Python, MATLAB, SystemVerilog, SQLite, Mentor Questasim, Synopsys VCS. \\
\begin{rSubsection}{\bf Engineer | Arm }{Bengaluru, India}
{\bf Architecture and Technology Engineering Group }{Jul. 2016 - Sep. 2019}
\item {Lead Coverage Model Developer for arm-v8M profile and its extensions.}\\
\item {Developed tools to automatically configure A-class Coverage Model to different implementations.}\\
\item {Improved coverage development flow in terms of early detection \& root cause analysis of bugs using CI
best practices.}\\
\begin{rSubsection}{\bf Intern | Arm }{Bengaluru, India}
{\bf Architecture and Technology Engineering Group }{Jun. 2015 - Jul. 2015}
\item {Studied coverage model implementation \& regression framework; explored options like Direct
Programming Interface (DPI), stream mode coverage (less file I/O) to improve regression time.}\\
\item {Attained 15\% reduction in memory and 10\% reduction in time for regressions.}\\
\begin{rSection}{Undergraduate Project}
\begin{rSubsection}{\bf Direction of Arrival Estimation for Lens-Based Array Antennas }{Bengaluru, India}
{\bf (Funded by Indian Naval Research Board) }{Aug. 2015 - May. 2016}
\item {Implemented ray-tracing algorithms on MATLAB to simulate refractive effects of various dielectric
lenses; modified stochastic parameter estimation algorithms (MUSIC, MVDR etc) to account for these effects.}\\
\item {Implemented adaptive beamforming algorithms in C++ to direct the beam; achieved a 6dB improvement in
gain for a 4x4 array antenna with 1\degree resolution and 10dB SNR.}\\
\item {Won ArmIDEAS competition: A global challenge internal to Arm for using technology to achieve UNICEF's
sustainability goals. Was invited to Munich, Germany to mentor social entrepreneurs.}\\
\item {Received ‘Competent Communicator (CC) Education Award’ (Mar 2018) and ‘Competent Leader (CL)
Education Award’ (Jan 2018) from Toastmasters International.}\\
\item {Runner up among 10 global teams at ‘Arm Global Graduate Challenge-2016’ for developing an IoT-
based health solution on ARM Cortex-M0+ based board, Jan 2017.}\\
\item {Sreekumar A., Kalkur P., Moiz M., "Practical Market Indicators for Algorithmic Stock Market Trading: Machine Learning Techniques and Grid Strategy", \textit{ERCICA}, vol 906, Springer, Singapore, Sep 2019}\\
\item {A. Sreekumar, M. Uttara Kumari, K.C. Vastare, S.M. Sreenivasa, N. Apoorva, "Signal Processing of Motor Imagery EEG Waves Using Empirical Mode Decomposition," \textit{ERCICA}, pp. 197-209, Nov 2017 (Awarded ‘Best Paper’ among
400+ publications)}\\
\item {P. G. Shah, K.C. Vastare, X. Huang, A. Srikumar, S.M. Sreenivasa, A.P.R.M. Kumar, K.R. kodada,
"Development of a Novel EEG Wave Controlled Security System", 2015 in \textit{Proc.of IEEE Seventh (ICICIS)}, pp. 116-120, Dec 2015 (Also presented at SJCE IEEE Chapter, Mysore and won 1 st place among 50+ papers, Mar 2016)}\\