A two-day seminar on natural language processing applications and techniques, to undergraduates (diploma and bachelor programmes) at KDU College Penang, in March 2015.
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\title{A Practical Introduction to Natural Language Processing}
\subtitle{Intelligent Processing \& Applications\\Research Cluster Seminar}
%\date{5 \& 12 March 2015}
%\date{5 March 2015\\Session 1: Common Tasks and Concepts in NLP}
%\date{12 March 2015\\Session 2: Software Libraries and Resources for NLP}
\date{5 March 2015\\Session 1: Common Tasks and Concepts in NLP\\[0.5ex]
12 March 2015\\Session 2: Software Libraries and Resources for NLP}
\author{Dr Lim Lian Tze}
Information Technology Department\\
School of Science, Engineering and Technology\\
KDU College Penang
\frametitle{Learning Outcomes}
At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to:
\item Explain examples of NLP applications and related technical issues.
\item Explain the layers of NLP and corresponding processing tasks.
\item<alert@2> Use existing libraries to perform common NLP processing tasks.
\item<alert@2> Use wordnet-based semantic networks to provide multilingual semantic information in NLP applications.
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\plain{End of Session 1\\See you next week!}
\plain{The End\\Thank you!}
\alert{\footnotesize I am using the APA referencing/citation style in this presentation. \emph{You} should be using Harvard Cite-Them-Right style -- do not copy and paste from this list!}